Another game with the Bay12ers. We were losing lots of games in a row. Then we all just went "bleh" and (with the exception of LASD), decided to play champions we were crap at.
In the beginning we were getting partially roflstomped. We put our lowest level player in mid with a champion he had never played before (Veigar) and he died quite a bit. The enemy nuked all our outer turrets without too much trouble and we were quite far down on kills. We didn't kill any of their towers.
At about the 30th minute, the enemy started taking baron. We waited for a short while then I (Ashe) fired my arrow from spawn. On the way, Garen and Trundle were racing to baron. My arrow hit the entire team and stunned Malzahar. Trundle and Garen burst in. Garen silenced their jungler, Warwick, so Warwick couldn't use smite. Then Trundle stole Baron with smite and Trinity Force proc. In the middle of all 5 of the super fed enemy team. Then they ran out (we were screaming in laughter).
The enemy team, pissed like hell, chased after them and ran into the rest of us. I got a triple kill from them chasing and focusing Garen / Trundle. After that point, my Ashe proceeded to get fed like mad. 13 kills 3 deaths 11 assists. I was instakilling Warwick with just my ulti and one autoattack. Our Veigar (with Baron buff) was also instakilling their LeBlanc and Malzahar with just his ulti.
We had complete baron control past that point and drew an amazing comeback victory.