In order to get some nice easy 150 IP for first win of the game I decided to do a bit of beginner v bots. I also went for the easy option as I was using a champ I hadn't played in a while, Master Yi. Then one person failed to connect. With it being 5v4 things quickly went badly, though by being careful and using meditate I managed to survive 2v1 top, until one of them went off. The game ended up taking 75 minutes, and they were in our base at times making it look like we were going to lose to easy ai, but thankfully I'd managed to get enough items and levels to start becoming pretty powerful. By the end I had around 30 kills to 7 deaths, mostly due to their Annies stuns, while my allies had 3-5 times as many deaths as kills. I think my massive damage allowing me to keep taking out the inhibitors while the enemy team was around and keep the super minions coming is what stopped it dragging on forever.
It was real fun, and really showed what a carry can do. Their Soraka was an easy kill without even using any abilities by the end, and the bots aren't smart enough for her to stick with team-mates.
All in all a very surprising game, I wasn't expecting it to be at all difficult and I wasn't expecting me to do by far the best of my team.