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Author Topic: League of Legends  (Read 165450 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1815 on: April 16, 2011, 05:25:58 am »

Morde is a very tanky caster that can push like crazy, he doesn't need CC, he has minions to tie you down while he smacks you with his mace ^^
Also, what's the minimal cooldown on Urgots Acid Hunter, i've been thinking of getting CDR boots on him that would combined with Youumu bring his CDR up to 30% which is pretty boss since i would be able to squeeze off four missles instead of four, but the survivability hit doesn't seem that nice.
"my batteries are low and it's getting dark"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1816 on: April 16, 2011, 08:36:48 am »

Jesus Christ, I had a Jax crying all game long, that I used heal when he towerdived me, so he died.
Some people really need to grow up.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1817 on: April 16, 2011, 08:54:50 am »

so I know there's a few mundo players here.  What items do you usually go with, I have tried warmogs/merc treads/ghostblade/(the lifesteal bannaer... what's the name) and if I have money atma's.  But it seems that it's way to much money and you can't really do much of anything with them because by the time you have enough for atma's the damage it gives you is so late game it's of little benefit.
Nom nom nom


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1818 on: April 16, 2011, 10:02:22 am »

Yeah, Fiddles with an Abyssal and the dangerous choice of Sorc's Shoes can reduce 30 then penetrate 20. With a Haunting Guise, that's up to 70 out of the way.

He shouldn't have Sorc's Shoes anyway, though.

I prefer the Sorc's shoes over the mercury treads, reason being is that if fiddle gets stunned, no matter for how long, its all over anyway. So why not try to do as much damage as possible before you die?


  • Bay Watcher
  • FABULOUS Gunslinger
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1819 on: April 16, 2011, 10:43:51 am »

Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1820 on: April 16, 2011, 10:48:45 am »

I'm sure he meant heal as in Soraka, or Kayle or even Taric heal, not the summoner spell.
Right mindmaker?
"my batteries are low and it's getting dark"


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1821 on: April 16, 2011, 11:43:12 am »

Items that reduce or penetrate Armor:
  • Brutalizer - 15 ArPen
  • GhostBlade - 20 ArPen
  • Sword of the Divine - 30 Arpen (if activated)
  • Black Cleaver - Reduces Armor by 15 per stack, max 3 stacks = max -45 Armor
  • Stark's Fervor - Reduces Armor of nearby enemies by 20
  • Last Whisper - 40% Arpen

Total of 65 flat ArPen, 40% ArPen, and 65 reduced Armor.

Items that reduce or penetrate Magic Resistance:
  • Sorcerer's Boots - 20 MagPen
  • Haunting Guise - 20 MagPen
  • Malady - Reduces MagResist by 6 per stack, max 4 stacks = max -24 MagResist
  • Abyssal Scepter - Reduces MagResist of nearby enemies by 20
  • Void Staff - 40% MagPen

Total of 40 flat MagPen, 40% MagPen, and -44 reduced MagResist.

Combined Armor ignorance = 130 flat + 40%
Combined MagResist ignorance = 84 flat + 40%

Both have item that reduces resistance per hit (stacks), both have 40% penetrate and both have resistance reducing auras. There are 3 flat ArPen items, 2 flat MagPen items.

As armor is easier to stack, max ArPen is little higher than MagPen.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 11:49:30 am by Bordellimies »
Warmogs are like bacon, they make everything better and you can never have enough of them


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1822 on: April 16, 2011, 11:45:41 am »

Nope, the summoner spell.
And while I usally don't take it, I still don't understand the social stigma it creates and how it could cause a player to rage all game long.

Seriously, Maokai is the only champion I ever used it on and together with clarity you fill a nice niche as a 'soft' tank.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 11:50:34 am by Mindmaker »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1823 on: April 16, 2011, 11:51:40 am »

All that stuff
Remember also that runes and masteries can give you 31 ArPen.

And I think maybe 16 MPen? I haven't played in a while, there's also the 15% MPen mastery.

Also keep in mind pecentage penetration always applies after flat, so it's calculated last every time. (Except for abilities that reduce a percentage of armour or MR, of course) And only flat can send an opponent into the negatives.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyarrr
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1824 on: April 16, 2011, 12:19:26 pm »

I get the same kind of flak for taking fortify every game.  It's my favorite summoner spell.  People always nag me about it.  But every single game I get 2 or 3 kills on early tower divers, or save teammates in other lanes when they're in trouble.

My Mundo build

1.  Warmog's
2.  Spirit Visage
3.  Merc Treads (if they have a lot of cc) or attack speed boots

Finish with any combination of Randuin's Omen, Thornmail, Force of Nature, Phantom Dancer.

Against a balanced team, I will buy Force of Nature and Randuin's Omen.
If they have a really hard carry that's doing lots of damage and lifesteal, I'll buy a Thornmail.  If they have tons of AD, I'll throw a Sunfire on top of this.
If they have lots and lots of AP burst, I will buy two Warmogs, Merc Treads, and Force of Nature
Phantom Dancer is for when you have enough survivability to wade through the enemy like a kiddy pool.

Keep in mind that I haven't played Mundo since the Randuin's nerf, so I don't know how effective that item will be anymore.  You might want to reconsider that one.

Trust me, you'll do enough damage to matter, and mid-late game you will never die.  Early game you will rely mainly on cleaver spam for damage and survivability, and you can even use it for safe farming if you're unable to dominate your lane.  In team fights, just target the enemy team's squishies.  They'll run or they'll die.  Either way, you'll break up the enemy formation and keep your teammates safe if they're smart enough to know how to take advantage of the chaos you'll cause.  Make sure to keep tossing cleavers and activating masochism every time they're off cooldown, and keep burning agony on because it reduces cc on you.  Maneuverability is really important for you, especially at low health.  The enemy is going to be pissed at you and get greedy, and you can take advantage of that often.  Cleaver chasers as they follow you, and you'll have time to regenerate until all of a sudden you turn around and kill them.  The thing about Mundo is you kill your enemies by simply outlasting them.  They will do more damage than you, but you will be regenerating all the time and if you can seperate yourself from the fight when you're low, you can kite people or simply stand to the side chucking cleavers until you're ready to fight again.  This is why I recommend Phantom Dancer over Atma's.  Great attack speed + high crit chance boost feels like it amounts to more damage than flat damage and a small amount of crit chance.  Plus, the maneuverability is amazing.  With PD you can wait until you are at like two bars of health in a team fight then activate your ultimate and you are ZOOM gone.  Then you can literally be back at full fighting capacity in two seconds.

Mundo is a siege engine.

If you're facing ignites, the trick is to scare the enemy into using it early.  It only hurts if they put it on you when you're activating your ultimate.  Ideally, you want to save your ultimate for when you're low on health.  Most players if you make some super-aggressive moves at the beginning of a fight will panic and use it on you too early.
In the land of twilight, under the moon
We dance for the idiots
As the end will come so soon
In the land of twilight

Maybe people should love for the sake of loving, and not with all of these optimization conditions.


  • Bay Watcher
  • FABULOUS Gunslinger
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1825 on: April 16, 2011, 12:28:15 pm »

Not gonna lie, stopped reading at PD instead of Stark's.

I get you probably like movespeed but it's better to help your team.
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1826 on: April 16, 2011, 12:40:08 pm »

It's not like it's my favorite summoner spell, SalmonGod.
It simply makes sense on Maokai, that's all there is to it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1827 on: April 16, 2011, 01:01:03 pm »

I used heal

I'm sure he meant heal as in Soraka, or Kayle or even Taric heal, not the summoner spell.
Right mindmaker?

I use heal+teleport all the time, i don't see the problem. Most people seem to pack a combination of ignite, flash, ghost and exhaust. While all those are nice and fine, i'd rather have the increased mobility and staying power to defend lanes and spend more time farming. The heal spell can help a teammate in a pinch or save my ass in countless situations (with the notable exception of malz and ww ultis). Tristana is my main, as you may know, and she has a built in escape/chase that is way better than flash in most aspects, and explosive shot is very similar to ignite, so that's already 2 summoner spells i don't really need. Ghost is another escape/chase that i don't really need, and teleport is way better to get to places fast. Exhaust requires me to be too close to the target to be of much use, besides i have a slow built in my jump.

Heal lets you get a first blood more often than not, and is overall a great help during all the early game. It can still turn the tides of battles in mid game, and it gives room to breathe if you get too low HP in the middle of a late game push. As a squishie, my role is to stay alive and be there to deal sustained damage, so i don't see a better choice.

Also keep in mind pecentage penetration always applies after flat, so it's calculated last every time. (Except for abilities that reduce a percentage of armour or MR, of course) And only flat can send an opponent into the negatives.

As far as i know, only Armor reduction can send someone in the negatives (stuff like stark's and black cleaver), Armor penetration will only get you to 0, and applies after reduction, so any Armor penetration is wasted on opponents that you send in the negatives with Armor reduction. So if you have 200 armor and someone hits you 3 times with black cleaver, you'll be reduced to 155. Then if they have, say, 35 armor penetration, you'll have 120 armor as far as this enemy is concerned (it is important to note that while armor reduction is an active debuff and reduces you armor against every enemy, armor penetration will only benefit the one having it). Then if they have last whisper, 40% of that 120 armor will be further penetrated, for a final effective armor score of 72.

Merc's Treads are the only boots you should buy at all, ever, in most cases.

Merc's Treads are nice boots but i only take them if the enemy team has heavy CC, in most situations i'd rather stay out of their range and take zerks or celerity boots. Sorcerer's shoes or Ionian boots if i'm playing AP, and ninja tabi if i'm tank and they have lots of AD. Sometimes i take mobility boots, if i feel like i need to move around the map a lot.

I'm not saying my playstyle is the best way to do it, just that you should go along with what you feel works for you, not silly guides. Guides are often interesting to read though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1828 on: April 16, 2011, 01:08:54 pm »

Eh, a tank doesn't need CC to be effective.
Look at Garen for example. Squishies fear him regardless.
Whever I put fear on spin-attack garen, I lol so hard.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyarrr
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1829 on: April 16, 2011, 01:13:33 pm »

Not gonna lie, stopped reading at PD instead of Stark's.

I get you probably like movespeed but it's better to help your team.

I'll likely take Starks if I have at least two melee dps teammates, which isn't often.  Otherwise your team benefits more if you maximize effectiveness of your own character.  My friends love having me on their team as Mundo, and I win considerably more than I lose with him.  In fact, I'd say that if the game goes longer than 40 min, it's almost a guaranteed win for me, and Mundo with Fortify can stall like no one else.
In the land of twilight, under the moon
We dance for the idiots
As the end will come so soon
In the land of twilight

Maybe people should love for the sake of loving, and not with all of these optimization conditions.
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