I'm quite happy today, i tweaked my masteries/rune build for tristana (my main) and it works incredibly well. I was saving up IP to buy Corki but i'm lucky as he is free this week. The usual build with trist (i think i saw it in most guides) is to get armor pen reds, dodge yellows (previously mana regen but those have been nerfed), and cd reduction blues.
Then there was this time when i played agaisnt a teemo tank and i was amazed at his survivability with almost no effect on his damage potential. Actually you could say that since he could take damage, he was able to deal even more instead of running away (and he used a madred so...).
Anyways, i thought about it and i realised that most of the damage you take as tristana is magic, because of your long range and escape skills. I also noticed that since my targets are mostly squishies with little to no armor, my armor penetration was almost useless as soon as i got a black cleaver. And cooldowns/lvl were kind of useless since it changes almost nothing early on, and i'm mostly autoattacking once i hit late game (also, rocket jump refreshes on kill/assist).
With that in mind, i replaced my blue runes with magic resist/lvl, red with damage/lvl, and i will replace my yellow with hp/lvl (netting me roughly +10%hp instead of 7% dodge). I went for a 25/5/0 mastery build with mender's faith/+6magic resist/+2 armor in the defensive branch.
I also changed my item build order, and now i get black cleaver as a 3rd item instead of infinity's edge. (1st and second are wriggle's lantern and +3 boots)
And... it works ! The bonus damage is just the extra boost i needed, i can farm even better than before, and i won my last game almost single-handedly with a 16/0/3 score (and it was 4vs5!). Too bad the replay file doesnt work, it was flawless, i even managed to rocket-jump in front of their nexus (and on Zilean's head :p) when they surrendered, with the last touch in my "did you fall down and go boom ?" taunt followed by a /laugh, while some enemy said "gg tris" in /all.
good times