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Author Topic: League of Legends  (Read 165790 times)


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1440 on: March 31, 2011, 11:25:15 pm »

So my team seems to have hit the new skill roadblock. We're losing not because of fail builds or whatever, but because of teamcomps. Like this song.

Basically, we more or less go blind into our teamcomps and that's bad. We might have too much tank and no damage, or too much damage and no tank. Etc.

So we need a better tournament-style team design... But I'm kinda stumped.

I'm thinking:
1x tank
1x tanky dps / support tank / anti-carry (preferably jungling)
1x ranged dps
1x ap burst caster

But I don't know what the last person should be. I'd honestly prefer if there was more damage. But supports are important too.

So in real terms I could be looking at:

or even:
Cho Gath
Kog Maw

In this case maybe the last should be Soraka or Taric? All the rest already do ridiculous damage so there's no need for more.

But if the team was:

or maybe:

Then we'd probably need another AD DPS or hybrid character of some sort because there's simply not enough damage.

I'm also on the fence about having multiple AP casters. It never seems to work out. I mean, we'll always need one burst caster to deal with the freaking lifestealers and to make sure the enemy can't just build armor but whenever teams have more than one.... it just becomes weird. Like if Annie and Anivia are in the same team, once they use their skills... 2/5th of the team is basically out of action. I really prefer having more AD DPS than burst casters or AP DPS.

Also, I think it's vital that every single person on the team has some sort of disable or slow. You just simply cannot function at high-tier play without CC and teamfights basically, for all intents and purposes, revolve around who lands the best CCs and follows up on it. Which is why I think it's suboptimal when teams have characters with unreliable CC... for example Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Karma, etc.

What do you guys think? I'm writing this out both to sort out my thoughts and to brainstorm with you guys.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1441 on: April 01, 2011, 01:34:59 am »

Well you can go for a few casters that do their damage over time, like Ryze (after his rework his burst is much weaker but his Q spam is insane).And the last slot should either be another tanky DPS (someone versatile in their builds, like Jax who can go both AD and AP) or a tanky support like Taric, since more beef is always good :)
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1442 on: April 01, 2011, 02:19:13 am »

A good tournament setup would probably be

Ezreal, Corki, Urgot, Pantheon or Ashe
Malzahar, Kassadin, Sion, Ryze, Vladimir or Anivia
Shen, Rammus, Malphite or Jarvan
Warwick, Irelia, Udyr or Nocturne


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1443 on: April 01, 2011, 02:51:27 am »

New patch is awesome:


    * Gangplank’s model has been replaced with a targeting reticle
    * Gangplank now fights from his boat
    * Parrrley is now global
    * His VO has been reworked to be shouted from a distance and includes far more laughter


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1444 on: April 01, 2011, 03:35:18 am »

New Item: Yordle Saddle. Any yordle champion can buy this new item to ride Cho'Gath.

Aha it would be so much win! I imagine tristana riding cho'gath and it would be awesome.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1445 on: April 01, 2011, 03:37:33 am »

I would like to see GP's boat parked in the river, in front of one of the monsteres and him sitting on top laughing.And most of these changes sound awesome, i will be sorely disappointed if all of them don't make it into the game :(
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1446 on: April 01, 2011, 06:42:14 am »

This patch is awesome. A bit dissapointed Jax didnt dodge changes. Never saw Alistair being made a ninja coming though.

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tick, tick, tick the clock blows up.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1447 on: April 01, 2011, 12:48:21 pm »

Gragas is now sober.
Game ruined gg no re riot


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1448 on: April 01, 2011, 12:51:39 pm »

This is ridiculous... I can carry losing teams in normal but when it comes to ranked I get stuck with all the idiots. They feed in other lanes (even with such obvious advice such as "Shaco is jungling, don't overextend") and then the enemy becomes unstoppable.

"Eve don't try to kill that shaco you will give them assists" *Eve sees kennen's AoE go off and runs in* *dies*


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1449 on: April 01, 2011, 01:40:21 pm »

I drew Nocturne in MS paint, using only ellipse-tool. It was quite fun.
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Right now I'm working on Master Yi.
Guess what tool I'll be only using. Well, besides copy-paste.
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« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 01:42:10 pm by Bordellimies »
Warmogs are like bacon, they make everything better and you can never have enough of them


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1450 on: April 01, 2011, 04:04:07 pm »

I drew Nocturne in MS paint, using only ellipse-tool. It was quite fun.
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Somehow I can visibly see that it was made in paint, and still find it pretty awesome. Congrats, you win at art.

Tick, tick, tick the time goes by,
tick, tick, tick the clock blows up.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1451 on: April 01, 2011, 04:16:43 pm »

So far i've been having incredible succes with Morde on ranked, mainly because i could never get to play the other two mains i like (Rene and Warwick), but for some reason people think Mordekaiser sucks in a solo lane or something, when even against extremley harrasy opponents i do well even when i tower hug for the first few minutes untill i get some survivability and damage, after that it's just complete dominations with my E and ult when applicable.
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1452 on: April 01, 2011, 04:40:05 pm »

My morde build is based on tankyness with some decent damage potential.For masterises you go 9/0/21 going for spell penetration and anything that has nothing to do with mana in utility.For runes, MPen reds, armor yellows, Mresist and cooldown blues (since i don't have a complete set for either) and health quints.First start with a regrowth pendant and a health potion.Then go for the boots and the second regrowth pendant if you can.After that build into a Force of Nature, then you go depending on the enemy composition, either go more armor with Randouin and Sunfire or go more MR with Abyssal scepter.After that Zhonyas Hourglass and Rylai's (in whatever order you prefer, but generally if you get focused a lot get Zhonya and if you are stomping them and in need of chasing potential go for Rylai's.After that it's usually more tankiness or more AP depending on your role and your enemies, getting either a Warmogs or a Deathcap.
And remeber to memorise how much hp your ult drains combined with Ignite and use it to target more powefull targets with lots of AD or AP, not something that gives you a little bit of both, mainly their squishies, also let your team know who to focus to ease up your pet gain.And never ever overextend, always push if you can but never leave the middle of the lane if you don't have to (especially if you are soloing) since Morde gets most of his survivability from damaging and killing creeps but he also becomes quite vunerable if he pushes too far so moderation is advised.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1453 on: April 01, 2011, 05:08:21 pm »

When is it typically recommended to PvP? I'm level 8 and a huge scrub, but I don't like bots.  :(

and while I'm here, any suggested builds/tips for Twitch/Mordekaiser?

I only got to use Morde for a day [The first day I played, at that.] but he seemed pretty cool, and I have enough to buy him now.

I looked up builds for Twitch on the LoL site, but my friend says they're not very good/don't have the right priorities early on. :x

Don't buy attack speed early on with twitch, it'll just cripple your damage buildup and you'll be useless through a good deal of the game if you do that. Twitch needs attack damage and armor penetration, don't buy pure attack speed/lifesteal on him, you get those with your AD items, attack speed twitch is NOT a good build ever since they nerfed his ultimate (this ulti was duration based rather then shot based as it is now), and to be honest it wasn't good before that either. What I do is build me a long sword and a health pot, followed by zerk boots (mobility boots are def not a good choice if you're starting with twitch, and buying mobility boots on him is basicaly screaming "HEY ENEMY TEAM, YOU SHOULD REALLY BUY SOME WARDS, ORACLES AND FOCUS ME NOW", since they only use is to get in position to gank faster) and another longsword which will become a brutalizer (which you won't build into a ghostblade, at least not now), then if you played twitch properly and ganked like a boss, you should get yourself a black cleaver now (zerk boots and black cleaver are the only attack speed items you'll be using) which is awesome on twitch, then follow up with infinity edge and bloodthirster, on the order of your preference, I prefer infinity edge first. At this moment your damage will be pretty high, and you should you can now work on some lifestealing, which combined with your ultimate and the massive crits you should be pulling off now should allow you not only to survive teamfights, but use your ultimate to wipe out most (or even all) of the enemy team.

Just one thing about twitch: If the enemy team as a smart tank and your team happens to have none, you're going to have to play alot more defensively. Due to all the armor pen twitch should handle tanks reasonably well but a good one can ruin your day if your team can't keep him down for a few seconds while you exterminate his teamates. Avoid playing twitch on teams with no tanks. Use this to your advantage aswell though, if the enemy team has no tanks, knock yourself out punishing their squishies, specialy those that don't have stuns.

Know your role on your team. As twitch you have only one possible role, which is being an assassin. Using twitch as a scout is an easy way to get yourself killed by people with more then 2 working neurons, as they'll be using pink wards/oracles. Its unlikely they'll buy those in the early game unless they're really afraid of you though, so use that to your advantage. Once you get some items going on and level 6, go around and start ganking a bit. If the enemy mid happens to be at 75% health or lower, its your cue to gank him/her, just remember that mid is the lane that is most obviously going to get ganked and since its a solo lane, there's a decent chance it may be warded, try to ask your mid if it is before trying a gank then. Non-solo lanes are also good places to gank, just make sure at least one of the enemy champs isn't at full health and warn your teamates you're going to gank, so they let them dive into the lane a bit, then you shoot them from behind while your teamates fall on them. HOWEVER, if you're going to gank people with hard CC (taric, sion) you should at least try to wait for them to use it before you start attacking, that CC can ruin the whole gank and get you killed if they think fast enough hand focus you.
A good twitch is a fed twitch, if he isn't countered he becomes a massively powerful carry, but nigh useless if played wrong.

Tanks should be the main factor behind your decision to use or not use twitch. You need at least one tank unless you're really confident on your skills. I'm talking about real tanks, not tanky DPS.
As for spells, I usualy pick Q first, since its what make twitch be twitch apart from his ultimate, pick E second but please, don't be like the multitude of bad people playing twitch and rely on E for damage. E is what you use to finish people with low health  and SOMETIMES to harass if you happen to have taken mid lane and have mana to spare, but chances are you won't. Don't be a bad twitch, don't get mana items, and leave blue buff for your mages, if you need mana you go back to base, and don't spam E unless you wanna get starved for mana. W is what you pick next as its an awesome slow that will net you many kills and even save your rat ass a few times, your choice wheter to max it or E first, just make sure to pick at least some levels in both, as both are essential to make people rage about you. Your R is priority whenever its availiable, as it is an awesome ultimate that gives you attack speed, damage and turns your bolts into deadly harpoons that will go through anything it hits. You have a limited number of shots but good use of your R can win teamfights and get you multiple double/triple kills in a game, just make sure you have alot of damage and a fair bit of criticals, as one crit with a shot from R will crit on everything it hits, and it will also apply every on-hit effect you have, lifesteal for every target hit and apply poison to everything to boot.

TL;DR: Don't stack attack speed, avoid playing without a tank, gank people like a boss.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 05:41:00 pm by Dakk »
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #1454 on: April 01, 2011, 09:29:56 pm »

Why it's awesome to be the man of metal:
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