Both of those count for every champion. Kiting depends on how aware the enemy player is, but low health, on the other hand, is something you'll rarely find cho with.
As long as cho is farming and has a catalyst, its unlikely he'll be getting below 30% health. If he is then he's either playing wrong or someone is seriously fed. Cho won't outdamage TF, but its unlikely TF will be doing enough damage to bring down a tank cho fast enough to not give cho the chance to simply knock him up and silence him consecutively, then run away.
Also, the superior twitch wins the day:
Altough we had almost the same kdr, the enemy twitch laned against our two worst teamates, namely shaco and rammus, and got fed pretty fast. Blitz was mostly passive and would miss his grab all the time, so me and akali had to pull some awesome ganks to get the upper hand. Akali was awesome on mid and managed to buy me some time to get out the lane and gank people. I ganked the other twitch hard and gave him 4 extra deaths while akali was just insane and jumped in the middle of them, did tons of damage and managed to juke them for long enough for me to get my stealth going again and burst them down togheder.
Note how the enemy twitch crippled his damage with mobility boots and executioner's calling. EC is something you buy against hard healers like mundo, but otherwise isn't that useful, specialy in the early game. With zerk boots, brutalizer and black cleaver I could solo people and outdamage him pretty easily.
And now I need some advice: I have full armor pen marks for twitch, but I'm not sure on seals or glyphs. Cdr glyphs or mana regen ones? Crit chance seals or attack speed ones? I know crit seals seem pointless, and prob are, I just have a thing for criticals.