Let me share a revelation I had.
I jungle a lot with Warwick. He's my go-to guy for when I feel like jungling. So much so that my setup for him is probably completely unique... or as unique as can be. My runes setup for him is attack speed red, armor yellow, and mana regen per level blue as well as armor pen quints.
My masteries is 8-10-12.
As I slowly refined my jungle build over time, today it just hit me. The biggest eureka moment I had in LoL in a long while.
I should start jungle with boots.
Now, before you go "lol, what a noob" hear me out. Warwick doesn't really need items to jungle. I can do it with just my runes and masteries, don't even need pots or anything. However, it is well known that Warwick's biggest problem, especially compared to other junglers, is his crappy ganking power prior to level 6. In fact, I would say his shitty initial movespeed is the biggest thing hindering his ability to jungle in the first place. It's why everyone says to take ghost instead of flash or ignite or what have you; cause you need to pop ghost if you want to have a remote chance of ganking, counterjungling, and escaping prior to level 6.
It's also weird because Warwick can jungle indefinitely without going back, especially if he's doing well, he just takes forever to move around. I can kill wolf camp and golem camp faster than it takes me to actually walk there. Almost everything about him scales well just with levels, he even gets faster at killing jungle creeps just with levels... except for his goddamn movement speed. So the longer he stays in jungle, the worse he becomes at ganking / escaping and overall jungle control, which limits his natural staying power but it's all because of just that one trait.
So, why do I keep buying cloth armor to start? I don't even need it. I can sacrifice finishing golem at 75% health when the offset is running around so much freaking faster than everyone else. Warwick with boots and red buff ganking someone without anything but starting items is pretty awesome. I can finish the jungle route and immediately gank because I don't have to bluepill to buy boots and / or Madred's Razor which means more happy time with red buff. Best of all, no one expects it. They won't believe their eyes when they see movespeed 370 Warwick flying out of bush at the overextending morons when it's only 4 minutes into the game. Oooh, and with ghost, 450+ movespeed Warwick at 4 minutes. Unless they started with boots themselves or some other escape skills, I think they would be dead.
Much better odds than normal Warwick ganks anyway.
I wonder which other jungler can start with boots. Any ideas? What do you think? Am I nuts or a genius? I've actually tried this out in game and it's awesome.