You missed the crucial point of aurawhore taric though, with aurawhore taric you assume your team will know to use your auras and huddle close to your rather then overextending and going out on a limb to kill someone, which happens very, very often in solo queue. AP Taric has more independence, being able to deal some damage on his own and still able to support with heals, though not nearly to the extent aurawhore taric would be able to. Also, with aurawhore you're assuming nobody else will take aegis of legion, abyssal scepter, starks, etc.
Aurawhore is more of an arranged team thing, me says, can't use him to his full extent without a team that knows what its doing. I say this from experience, having played aurawhore several times and noticing more often then not I had to choose someone to stay close with because the team aways broke off.
Anyway, tried a queue with naxza and failed hard because the client was dying on me, at one point I got executed by minions because I couldn't move for 7 full seconds. Then I tried a solo queue and me and a tank mordekaiser dominated top lane. The most hilarious moment was when the WHOLE ENEMY TEAM rushed our lane because we would just kill kill and never die.