So I was feeling so exhausted I took a nap yesterday and woke up at 1 AM. At about 5:30 or so, I play a game of LoL. Never AGAIN.
I hopped into a game that had a Gangplank, Ashe, and Trynd Insta-lock, and Yi took a second to switch summoner's to smite before locking.
"Oh god," I thought, "we are going to horribly lose."
Cue the chat between Gangplank and Ashe arguing about solo-mid.
I figure the only shot we have is if I pick a tank. Since I suck horribly with tanks, I go for my tankiest champ, Taric, with a plan to aura-whore my team to victory as bleak as it looks. I prepare for the inevitable loss that will be my immediate future.
Gangplank, Ashe, Trynd, Yi, Taric
Game screen loads.
Versus: Maokai, Annie, Fiddlesticks, Kassadin, Veigar.
Holy hell and a half. Complete AD versus Complete AP. Since none of us will build AP, Veigar seemed useless. We had a chance.
Gangplank and Ashe won't stop arguing about mid, so someone yells "All mid" and the team goes for it.
"I'm playing with trolls. Everyone here is a troll."
So I walk around with Yi behind me to set up the brush near mid lane and walk into their entire team apparently waiting to jump our Jungle-Yi. I don't even remember what happened next, but it's a good thing our team decided to go all mid because we were suddenly 4-0.
Their AS Annie was actually ridiculous at times.
In retrospect though, I almost feel like I should have gone Kog'maw, just to have a team full of AD Supercarries.