I just had an excellent match with Sion =)
I started top with Twitch (who later said it was his first time playing it), Zilean was mid and Catlyin/Sona were bot.
So, the match starts, we have Warwick and Xin zhao top, Twitch poke them a bit, i stun, we finish both of them even before lvl 2
Then WW goes jungling, Xin gets harassed/zoned, and we kill him again under the tower. We put the tower down, and since i saw a couple deaths on bot lane, i go there to help, kill Singed and Karma, and go buy some nice items
. In the meantime, Zilean wasnt doing great, dying to Ryze mid, but i couldnt get the chance to help him. I farm a bit, doing dragon, getting a kill here and there when i see fights nearby, cleaning the lanes when i see a wave of creeps near a tower, and i see the dragon repawning.
So i go there, and WW is already here ! I kill his sorry ass, get the dragon, and then its just lots of laughts as i mow down everything, basically running in the engaged teamfights and stun-raping everyone. I was just about to kill Ryze for the first time under a tower (he somehow evaded me until then), but they surrendered :p.
Oh and the icing on the cake : they were actually a premade team except for Ryze
Fun times =)