So... i was wondering, is a player with lots of kills but lots of deaths considered "good" ?
Because i noticed a trend where several of my teammates have about the same number of kills and deaths, like between 10 and 20, while i have a lower number of kills (half theirs) but also almost no deaths (between 0 and 5 depending on the match length and other factors). Ah, i should mention that my main is tristana.
Also i noticed that i have often bad comments about how i should invest more in team fights instead of farming.
From my point of view, i simply try to only pick the battles that i think i (we) can win, so if someone charges alone vs 3, i tend not to even try helping him. Or sometimes i'm close enough to a teammate chased by baddies, so i'll come and blast them away with buster shot, expecting my ally to escape safely, but instead he starts charging them, as if suddenly the tables had turned, while we're still outnumbered and i'm only trying to buy him time.
So on an average match, i tend to score most of my kills at the end of the game, when i have all my nice gear with ultra high damage. Am i doing something wrong ?
Should i stay in a fight when i'm down to 25% HP ? I just played with some friends and when i told them that i felt like i was playing safer than most people, they laughed saying it was an understatement, but they died a lot in all our matches so i don't know if i should listen to them.
For the record, here is one of my -non unusual- win screens (i'm tristana/KalSirian):
Ah and maybe its important so i'd like to mention that I noticed i almost always have the highest damage dealt score of my team, even when i'm not the only physical carry. Also very often, its the highest damage score of both teams.