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Author Topic: League of Legends  (Read 165128 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #345 on: January 11, 2011, 10:30:03 pm »

Hmmm, well then maybe there is a minimum range. Wish riot would give more details on skills.

Anyway if you are in between minions all she has to do is take one more step to hit you. You won't take as much damage but it's a 100% chance to hit. And there is that rain problem again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #346 on: January 12, 2011, 01:21:42 am »

Hmmm, well then maybe there is a minimum range. Wish riot would give more details on skills.

Anyway if you are in between minions all she has to do is take one more step to hit you. You won't take as much damage but it's a 100% chance to hit. And there is that rain problem again.

My solution to that is playing Anivia.  :P
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #347 on: January 12, 2011, 01:44:40 am »

Tristanna out farms all ranged carries. She has longer range, minions chain-reaction explode when killed, and she requires no mana (wtf?). I am terrible at last hitting and I can lead the leader board with trist.
I don't really want to bother explaining this actually... I underlined the problem with Tristana's laning. I'm sure you can figure out why that's a problem. It's the same reason why Sivir laning with Richochet on is a dumb idea.

Edit: Pandarsenic. Standing between minion waves won't save you from Double Up. That's just a myth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #348 on: January 12, 2011, 03:23:16 am »

I bought Lux.

She never bloody dies and is an overall wonderful hero who is fun to play.

Also I tried a team with TEAM DEMACIA and we dominated.

Galio, Lux, Poppy, Garen, Xin Zhao

Enemy team was Cho Gath, Veigar, Katarina, Malzahar, Warwick

I came out something like 8/3/16 after a fifty minute game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #349 on: January 12, 2011, 03:33:49 am »

Tristanna out farms all ranged carries. She has longer range, minions chain-reaction explode when killed, and she requires no mana (wtf?). I am terrible at last hitting and I can lead the leader board with trist.
I don't really want to bother explaining this actually... I underlined the problem with Tristana's laning. I'm sure you can figure out why that's a problem. It's the same reason why Sivir laning with Richochet on is a dumb idea.

Edit: Pandarsenic. Standing between minion waves won't save you from Double Up. That's just a myth.

You sure? It's worked for me thus far. Usually I haven't taken a single Double Up by the time MF learns that getting closer to the bird just means I know she's going to stand still to cast eat a Flash Frost and an Ice Pick To The Skull and/or I first-blood her.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #350 on: January 12, 2011, 04:10:24 am »

Yes I'm 100% sure.

I just discovered Rammus's defensive ball curl uses AP as well as armor. I bet it's a bug but I'm not going to report it. I've been experimenting with AP Rammus and holy cow... a Rammus with just 270 AP can kill a tower with his ultimate in 5 seconds. I'm not joking, try it yourself. Works on the inhibitor and nexus turrets too. 5 - 7 seconds.

Proof that DBC uses AP:

DBC level 1 damage to a purple caster minion (35 damage):

DBC level 1 damage + 2 rods to a purple caster minion (63 damage):

At DBC level 5 it does nearly 200 damage to a PCM. Considering without any AP, DBC only does about 70 damage to the PCM, it's a HUGE amount. Now, consider what this means...

This means that an AP Rammus who taunts a normally really crappy autoattack character like Soraka will do an additional 200+ damage to her compared to next to nothing for non-AP. On the other hand, it will do an INSANE amount of damage to a really good autoattack character while still preserving good armor and MR from DBC itself alone. Now, you couple this with his redonkulous damage from the ultimate with AP (5 seconds towerkill) and you're starting to see what I'm talking about aren't you? :P

The best part is. His q, the roll, is 1:1 AP. Yup. He technically has three AOE nukes. If AP Rammus with 270 AP (and that's a low amount of AP) rolls into a group of enemies, they will take nearly 700 damage just from that. Of course, you don't really want to initiate teamfights as AP Rammus, so feel free to roll in after the fight starts. Also, it makes it so freaking easy for him to clear minion waves finally. Anyone who's played Rammus knows his biggest weakness is his horrible, terrible ability to clear minion waves. Seriously, he's one of the worst. With AP Rammus, just one roll or one DBC and poof, all dead. Not even Anivia kills that fast.

You know what else, getting Rylai will give a slow to EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of your AOE skills. Seriously. They won't be able to escape anything you do. Even the return damage from DBC slows them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #351 on: January 12, 2011, 04:27:44 am »

Tristanna out farms all ranged carries. She has longer range, minions chain-reaction explode when killed, and she requires no mana (wtf?). I am terrible at last hitting and I can lead the leader board with trist.

I dunno, TF has some awesome farming skills, his Q attack (when the minions are coming in the line) will take them down to about 10/5% health with about 150AP. And is passive gives your team an extra 2 gold per kill off the bat. That combined with a red card and a few blues means you can farm constantly... for ever.

The only major problem I have with TF is accidently choosing the red card. My team doesn't like it when I chase people with a blue instead of a yellow.

I really really want to try a game where one team has a TF, pantheon and a shen. find a person by themselves, then drop pod on top of all of them :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #352 on: January 12, 2011, 05:07:21 am »

An extra 2 gold per kill is about slightly better than the 1 gold per 10 seconds mastery. I always wondered why you eager about that passive. It's nice, but it's not the best. I mean, sure, everyone gets it which theoretically makes it amazing but if you think about it, if on average your teammates have 150 CS in the typical 40 minute game, that's 7.5 gold per minute. That's 1.25 gold per 10 seconds. That's not a lot... At most it will give your teammates each an extra health potion every time they bluepill.

If you compare with the passives of other characters, even Soraka's team MR bonus passive is better.

Gangplank gets 2gp from raise morale though, if there's a TF on the team.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #353 on: January 12, 2011, 02:37:08 pm »

Tristanna out farms all ranged carries. She has longer range, minions chain-reaction explode when killed, and she requires no mana (wtf?). I am terrible at last hitting and I can lead the leader board with trist.
I don't really want to bother explaining this actually... I underlined the problem with Tristana's laning. I'm sure you can figure out why that's a problem. It's the same reason why Sivir laning with Richochet on is a dumb idea.

Edit: Pandarsenic. Standing between minion waves won't save you from Double Up. That's just a myth.

It might make her a bad lane partner, but not a bad farmer. She requires no-mana because rapid fire isn’t needed for last hitting, jump should only be used if you get in over your head, and explosive shot (the active, not the passive) is only used in a gank. She can farm to 6 without ever using an ability.

I don’t really know how TF does these days, it has been a long time since I have seen any decent TFs in a game.

I’ve done decent AP Sion, but I think all non-caster classes have the same problem when going AP, mana.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #355 on: January 12, 2011, 03:42:29 pm »

An extra 2 gold per kill is about slightly better than the 1 gold per 10 seconds mastery. I always wondered why you eager about that passive. It's nice, but it's not the best. I mean, sure, everyone gets it which theoretically makes it amazing but if you think about it, if on average your teammates have 150 CS in the typical 40 minute game, that's 7.5 gold per minute. That's 1.25 gold per 10 seconds. That's not a lot... At most it will give your teammates each an extra health potion every time they bluepill.

If you compare with the passives of other characters, even Soraka's team MR bonus passive is better.

Gangplank gets 2gp from raise morale though, if there's a TF on the team.

You know the times when you're waiting for about 20 gold for some item at the spawn? And notice how you get 20 gold in less than 20 seconds?
This is because the passive gold generation is 14 gold per 10 seconds. With the mastery it is 15 gold per 10.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #356 on: January 12, 2011, 03:54:42 pm »

Having both used every TF build imaginable and seen many others play him, I have to say both AD TF and AP TF are completely useless.

I think I mentioned before that the best build I found for him was AS MPen hybrid. I build it something like
Sorceror's Shoes, Sword of the Divine, Nashor's Tooth, Madred's Bloodrazor, Malady, Abyssal Sceptre. (And 9/0/21 with all the MPen runes)

With the build maxed out you have about 2.4 attack speed and something like 80 Magic Penetration.

Then when you get the elixir of agility it raises to 2.5 attack speed, which is the cap.

Overall you end up killing everything in about 6 hits.

Biggest part of TF though is still learning to gold card reliably. And don't underestimate his Q, it can do a lot of damage, especially with that much magic pen.
(And if you've got a Ryze on your team throwing Spell Flux around like it's on sale, well that's just all the better.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #357 on: January 12, 2011, 04:13:00 pm »

AP TF is still very good.
Sheen->MP Boots->Mejas->Banshees->Lichbane->Deathcap->Nashors.

He's just too squishy to me, to be relying on his stacked deck ability, which requires you to be inside the danger zone for longer intervalls.
I rather run in, do a lot of damage quickly and run out.
The only time you can reliably autoattack enemies is, when they try to retreat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #358 on: January 12, 2011, 04:23:50 pm »

laning =/= farming....

Exactly, I am not sure what your problem with my post is.

Last I heard, you get much better return from armor pen then you do from attack speed, but that was a while ago. Either way, I still feel like TF is far too squishy and situational.

Also, I have never been a fan of Shen, the passive really doesn't add that much. Mejas doesn't break even with other items (gold/ap ratio wise) until 7 stacks I think so unless you are a strong early champ it can serve you better to get a different item.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #359 on: January 12, 2011, 04:34:36 pm »

Well I only ever play with arranged teams so being squishy doesn't bother me, I just don't rush in first like a raving lunatic.

I wouldn't say AD works that well on TF because there's no synergy with any of his abilities besides Red Card, so you may as well be trying to play AD Veigar in that regard.

I don't like AP TF either because his ratios aren't good enough to warrant it, and he gets much better returns from magic penetration. And the way I play him, Gold Card lasts long enough for me to kill any non-tank in the game. He can't take much damage himself, but he's not supposed to be getting hit anymore than you'd want to take hits as Ashe or Swain.

Alls I know is the build I use now for Twisted Fate is the only one I've ever gotten pentakills on.
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