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Author Topic: League of Legends  (Read 165301 times)


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #945 on: March 01, 2011, 07:29:24 pm »

I see I'm not alone in thinking there are more morons on lol these days.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #946 on: March 01, 2011, 07:48:58 pm »

I need to get me a carry again and get really good at playing it, Nasus is a good champion but he's sort of team dependant for a looooong time untill he gets to farm all gold for his stuff and to charge his Q. He's really good if he gets to freefarm, otherwise he's just not that special, think eve without champion kills, only not as useless. I could do AP sion fine but he's sort of boring, Jax is fun as hell and really scary if properly built but I cant spare that much IP.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 07:51:26 pm by Dakk »
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ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)  ┻━┻

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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #947 on: March 01, 2011, 07:55:38 pm »

Renekton is out of the question then?
But yeah, if you can go for Jax, he's insane, or if you are a cheapskate take Tryndamere :P
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #948 on: March 01, 2011, 08:04:19 pm »

I have Renekton but honestly I dont know how to play him effectively, maybe I'll try some more games with him, see what I can pull off.

To be honest I was going to buy eve  :-X , but my friend talked me out of it. Even before her massive nerf she wasn't all that useful to her team, and any team using wards and oracles (IE any reasonable ranked team) can disable her. AP eve has alot of burst but is sort of unrealiable, and AD eve, while being a decent jungler and hurting a decent bit aswell, isn't all that good either.

Twitch can pull it off due to being ranged and and his awesome team killing ultimate, eve can only disable and burst down a single target, then she has to run away, use her ulti to heal and either come back and hope her team could handle themselves or run away before anyone with oracles kills her.

They're remaking her like they did with ryze though, so I might still get her someday. I like the changes they did on ryze, maybe the new eve will be fun to play aswell.
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #949 on: March 01, 2011, 08:16:51 pm »

man I kick ass with eve.  She's perfect in long drawn out battles, picking off people with her stun the dissapearing into the bush you ust gotta be able to play her right.
Nom nom nom


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #950 on: March 01, 2011, 08:30:37 pm »

I highly recommend Xin / Irelia if you want to carry. Both are more or less interchangeable. Both do high damage without items, unbelievable damage with items, can tank, great initates, very flexible build-wise (can become whatever role you want), etc.

Xin is more on the super burst damage with decent sustained damage. He has some lifesteal, but just the base amount of lifesteal is not enough in a big fight for you to stay in the fight too long. But his damage... is crazy high. Even built tanky, he can still decimate an entire enemy team more or less singlehandedly.

Irelia is about amazing sustained combat. Her lifesteal is off the scale. In the very late game, she's immortal. Also, true damage makes everyone cry. Laning is easy with her as her dash resets every time you kill with it. She's what Olaf used to be.

To give an example, I recently built Xin Zhao with 200+ armor and 100+ MR (copying Wickd) and I still did the same amount of total damage by the end of the game as a fully fed Gangplank with 90% crit chance and a Sivir with two Bloodthirsters and a Stark's. To illustrate the example even better, that's like fighting Rammus except he can crit like GP.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #951 on: March 01, 2011, 08:39:03 pm »

She's overall very easy to disable and unless you faceroll people and get a stacked mejai/sword of the occult + red buff to slow people who surive your burst down till you actualy kill them, she's not really that special 1 on 1 either, she's pretty good against normal solo queue teams though, hard to find anyone that uses wards, pink wards are even more rare, and I'm even going to go into oracles. Her passive is one of the most useless ones in the game aswell.

Also, apparently riot was  going to remake her, but failed and never really did it, and then nerfed her because people who wanted a remake got mad and started making smurfs and facerolling low level people, which in turn cried to riot and she got the nerfbat to the face, and now she is a mere nuisance against anyone willing to spend a few gold on oracles/pink wards.

Eve's success in a game depends more on how good the enemy team is then how good you are, even if you know how to use her in any given situation, there's very little you can do if the enemy team churns out some gold to take away the only reason they had to fear you.

Its still possible to win as her though, if you manage to faceroll people hard in the very first levels and get yourself some serious level and item advantage, and even then, if the game drags on for long enough, you'll can still be countered hard.

Anyway on other stuff:

Not a big fan of either xin or irelia, they're good and all but, its sort of aways the same thing. Now that xin is free everyone is spamming him on solo queue, and seeing a champion on everygame makes him uninteresting very fast, I tend to go for champions people don't play all too often but can still be viable, instead of cookie cutter xin doing the same DPS build everygame, dashing at people for crazy deeps the same way, etc etc. Irelia's a bit more fun though, she has more flexibility then xin does with a lot of burst to  back it up, and she's not as easymode as xin is.

Might take a look at Xin 2.0 Jarvan IV after people stop spamming him every game on solo queue. Anyway Olaf is probably the only Tanky deeps I'm not tired of seeing yet. Why does riot not make real tanks anymore? They made two supports, one of which is sub par, a xin + garen lovechild, a sub par ranged champ thats totally not based on ashe, etc. Its getting old already, I would go as far as to say that trundle and irelia were the last interesting champions they made. Altough I have to admit Jarvan looks ok, despite being another tanky deeps.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2011, 08:43:16 pm by Dakk »
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ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)  ┻━┻

Table flipping, singed style.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #952 on: March 01, 2011, 11:19:59 pm »



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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #953 on: March 02, 2011, 12:57:30 am »

Just found this epic picture on the riot forums, in the thread talking about jarvan 4 and running across canada naked.
And with a mighty leap, the evil Conservative flies through the window, escaping our heroes once again!
Because the solution to not being able to control your dakka is MOAR DAKKA.

That's it. We've finally crossed over and become the nation of Da Orky Boyz.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #954 on: March 02, 2011, 02:10:49 am »

Anyway Olaf is probably the only Tanky deeps I'm not tired of seeing yet.

His tanky build never worked for me.
But a squishy jungle build works very good.
Just be sure to max his axe first (great damage, scales with ad, long range, no cd when you pick it up) to snipe champions or farming creeps with the blue buff, by throwing it in front of you feet.
You don't really need smite, which leaves you a slot for exhaust.

Ashe is still a decent choice, if you don't mind dying as soon as an enemy champion catches you off guard.

Pantheon is fun, but I haven't played him in a long time. Some changes were made, but I don't remember if they were good or bad.

Kog'Maw great if you like seeing the enemy life bar dissapear in huge chunks, from a ridiculous range.

The TF build focusing on magical dps, somebody posted here some time ago, also works really well.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #955 on: March 02, 2011, 02:15:39 am »

I can personally say that Shen is not a tanking favorite of mine.  Oh god, I'm glad I didn't buy him because I used him in this free to play period... SO BAD!!!  SO BAD!!!  OH GOD HE IS SO BAD!!!!!  I'm going to stick to Mordekaiser for my tank of choice, he just roflstomps people that aren't prepared for him, I like that.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #956 on: March 02, 2011, 04:04:10 am »

So, I recently started playing this again after playing one game with a friend a while back then leaving it.  Somewhat to my surprise, I found I had Corki and his UFO skin and have been maining as him.  I typically buy all of the recommended items in relative order, getting the Reaper's Scythe (or whatever it's called) fairly early on for some staying power.  Am I doing something horribly wrong?

I've really been liking Corki so far.  He's capable of taking most anyone early on, and he seems to help a lot in team fights later on.  Soloing is right out for most opponents in the later game though.
So my crundles are staying intact unless they're newly spawned... until they are exposed to anything that isn't at room temperature.  This mostly seems to mean blood, specifically, their own.  Then they go poof very quickly.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #957 on: March 02, 2011, 04:13:20 am »

The scythe isn't really a good starter item, since you don't really have enough damage to heal yourself for a substantial amount.


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #958 on: March 02, 2011, 04:26:16 am »

Corki hmm? Can go many ways.

You could do a standard Doran's blade start. It's got a good balance of everything a ranged Deeps needs. Corki has good mobility and escape, so he doesn't particularly need to worry about survivability. The Doran's blade also works as a backup plan where what happens is that if you lose your lane, or don't farm enough gold for a BF sword, you can buy boots and an extra 1-2 Doran's blades to try and make up for it. The stacked benefit of lifesteal, hp, and damage from 2-3 Doran's blades is quite substantial.

You could also do Meki Pendant and two pots of your choosing. This is common when you don't have runes and can't afford to spam your abilities like the high level players who have way too much free time like myself. While you can't heal as much as with Doran's blade, you can be more generous with your harassment. I recommend this for newcomers. The two potions allow you to make some mistakes. Meki pendant can also be built into a Manamune if you so choose.

Finally, you could do boots + 3 pots. This is great for making sure you get every single last hit and correcting your positioning all the time. It also allows you to harass well with your autoattacks as you'll be a lot faster than your opponent. However, because there's no innate mana / health regen, you won't stay in lane for very long. Another benefit of starting with boots is that you're basically buying an item you're definitely going to get anyway. This is a build for if you're really confident in your skill. Very rare to see Corki start with this because of his Valkyrie.

Those are more or less the default ways of starting with Corki (or any ranged deeps for that matter).


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Re: League of Legends
« Reply #959 on: March 02, 2011, 05:19:45 am »

@ Dakk
Yeah Rene is very wierd to play at first, something similar to Morde, you have to be very agressive to be fully effective but not too agressive to be easily killed.He's also rather flexible with his build but it's mostly damage items that you need, and not a lot of them too since your abilities scale rather well with damage.I haven't tried it much but getting some attackspeed seems to work nicely since it helps you charge your fury crazy fast and this in turn allows you to spam your extra damaging powers more oftenly.
I usually start with a longsword and a potion, gives some extra damage and you can heal nicely with your q if the enemy isn't insanely harrasy.After getting boots i build the sword into a phage and from there it's mostly enemy dependant, if they have a lot of MD i go for spirit visage and after it the hexdrinker.If they have a lot of physical damage take sunfire first, finish frozen mallet then take atma's impaler.After that just take as much damage as you can, or if you are dying a bit more than you should get GA and then as much damage as you can.I found BC works great, LW too since the extra armor pen is great, and if you want some extra survivabilty and damage take a bloodthirster, great damage and lifesteal is great since W applies on hit effects, and by that point it's doing some 600-700 damage.
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