This is because downvotes makes posts get hidden on their forums. Many a time have patchnotes been downvoted, so you'd enter the post and see the one is hidden. Of course, they could fix their forum structure and make it so a mod's posts can't be hidden, but its easier to cheat and give them a huge ammount of upvotes rather then fixing it. Like its easier to make more champions rather then work out the terrible client bugs.
My last game with Naxra basicaly exploded once it started and everyone got disconnected and unable to join another for about an hour. It wasn't a serverwide thing, our game was the only one affected.
EDIT: And on the warmogs thing, warmogs is a bad item for champions that don't regulary use it, and its not even that good on champions that actualy have a use for it. Vlad can use it but it still pales in comparison to some items he can get ealier (IE rylai's), and while it greatly boosts mundo's heal with his ultimate (since it heals by %, more health = more heal), rushing it may cripple his build if he is not farming properly or getting kills early on. Warmogs is an item you take early, so you can farm alot to charge it. While apparently it would make sense (at least according to forum goers, I still think its a terrible idea and that there are better options if you want survivabilty, specially against anivia, hello there banshee's veil) on that situation with sivir, she still crippled her build early by rushing it and getting killed trying to rush anivia when eve was prowling around.
And how come warding your own lane with a pink ward is not a reasonable idea? Thats the bare minimun to do when there are stealth champions around. Bottom was getting pushed and top was the only lane actualy pushing. After the top turret was down we tried ganking mid a bit but it wouldn't work because sivir would move into other lanes and back up because apparently she needed mana, or had to buy a manamune instead of impaler.
If you want survivability in a solo lane, don't rush warmogs, get a catalyst. Not only it builds into a banshee's veil, it gives you both mana and health AND recovers mana and health everytime you level. You'll basicaly never have to base for mana ever again, and its unlikely you'll even need to heal if you play smart.