I think you are wrong about WW Dakk. 1.He is an excellent laner since his hungering strike is a great last hit attack (good damage, decent cool down, low mana costs) and, along with every attack, it heals him, which leads to more lane staying power. 2.All of this offers you proper lane control (keeping enemies close to your tower, without being able to attack it) for a good portion of the early game. 3.He is also a great melee harasser since he can jump out of the bushes, take some damage, and heal it with hungering strike.
4.I don't know how anyone can deny that he is great at jungling. 5.Shaco can only jungle by stacking a bunch of JItBs which leads to pretty slow assaulting. 6.Once he has blue buff WW has almost constant full life.
7.And while it is true that he only has the one CC ability, no other melee DPS can lock people down as long as he can.
1-The mana cost isn't that great for sustained use unless you invest in mana regen. The cooldown is long compared to most melee Q's cooldowns, also its range is pitifully short.
2-That is not an attribute exclusive to warwick, in fact it has nothing to do with warwick at all, thats just common laning sense. Anyone with half a brain can do that on any champion, unfortunely most dont.
3-I'm pretty sure your Q's heal will be useful after you try to harass any ranged champions (or anyone with a longer range harassment, basicaly everyone else) since you'll have lost half of your health trying to do it, unless said champions are retarded.
4-He's an easy jungler, but not the best one. Olaf and Trundle are faster and better at ganking then he is.
5-Shaco's jungling is harder, but he's faster if you play properly, and much harder to catch. Plus he's far better at invading and ganking then warwick is. Shaco is ready to gank at anytime as long as he has health and mana for it, while Warwick absolutely needs his ultimate to gank, unless you think people will stand around for you to melee them to death.
6-While thats a plus, its not an attribute reserved to warwick. Basicaly any jungler that constantly autoattacks will be able to heal off minions. Warwick is just slightly better at it.
7-"Is that warwick? Okay, lets go after his teamates, once he uses his ulti, stun him, then ignore him while we kill the carries, then just focus him down".
Q is not useful during the whole game either. By late game, AD warwick will prefer to just autoattack and ocasionaly use Q, and magewick is so pathetic you might aswell disregard him.
Also, if you're doing lanewick, consider the fact that you're hurting your entire team doing it, not only because he's much better in the jungle, but also because he'll be stealing XP and gold from champions who actualy need it more because they're overall more useful in the lategame.
I'd rather have almost any well farmed champion in the late game then warwick. What he's going to do in teamfights? Use R, get stunned/knocked up, die? Guardsman Bob is the highest ELO lanewick in NA servers, and he's pretty bad.