I was having good fun as Shen last night.
I counter jungled fiddlesticks rather well, shame we ended up losing that match.
All tanks are simply OP. Or more so tank items.
All damage items are simple OP as well. Man, I absolutely hate dying.
Because of the change to the way armor and MR work, pen items and abilities aren't effective against them anymore.
Take last whisper for example. tank with 4000 health and 200 armor, squishy with 2000 health and 50 armor. Tank takes an extra 11.5 % damage while the squishy takes 10.2% extra damage. that 40% pen does not effect tanks at all. Depending on the ratios a tank can even make it more effective on a squishy. Having twice as much health as a squishy with the same risk from a supposed anti tank item is just wrong.
Black clever and brutalizer, solid pen items without a % effect, are even worse against tanks. You should never buy them to fight tanks. Madreds are the most effective item against tanks, but it's really not hard for a tank to see it then buy more MR then make the madreds a very expensive toy.
When ever I play a DPS character I always have my armour pen runes out. With a full set of reds, not much I give you, but decently worth it at the beginning of a game.
You end up doing full damage to minions and when it comes to characters with low armour at the beginning its like you doing about 5ish more damage to them per shot.
But when it comes to tanky characters if they're buying a load of tank items, just don't attack them. Its the way I play, always go for the tanks last unless they're really scary like an AP singed or something.
With tanks, you gotta give the enemy team a reason to hit you or else you're not doing your job properly, for example, building a rageblade on cho'gath, or madreds on shen or something retarded like that. Then once they fear you and start focusing you _then_ your tanky items will be doing their job.