I would like to know how many of you would be up to a 5 person premade with 5 tanks, and everyone takes Teleport + Revive as summoner spells.
When I did it for my first time, it was awesome.
Champions I'd consider tanks for the game:
- Alistar
- Amumu
- Cho'Gath
- Dr. Mundo
- Galio
- Gragas
- Malphite
- (Maokai?)
- Mordekaiser
- Nasus
- Nunu
- Olaf
- Rammus
- Shen
- Singed
- Sion
- Sivir (not a real tank, but when built as a tank with some dmg, she can help pushing like mad)
- Taric
- Trundle
- Udyr
- Vladimir
- Zilean (Cooldown reduction and mana/manaregen via Soul Shroud and Frozen Heart and other tank items = holy fuck, the tanks refuse to die)
Possibly others, but they need to actually be viable when built tank. So no, tank Ezreal or tank Ashe, they don't work.
Everyone takes:
A tank or a tanky champion. Must be viable when built tank.For summoner spells,
Teleport and
Revive.Guardian Angel, Sunfire Cape, Frozen Heart, Force of Nature, Thornmail, Warmog's Living Armor, etc. Typical tank items.
Everyone picks their items
depending on the enemy team, so if they have a Karthus, Fiddlesticks, AP ezreal, Cho Gath and a Twitch that build Bloodrazors, you
don't stack armor.
Teleport and
revive allow the tankteam to go defend a tower quickly if it is under an attack, or perhaps go push quick. Backdooring with tank Rammus + tank Alistar + tank Mundo = Towers
will die.
The objective
is not to gain kills, but to
destroy enemy buildings and
defend our buildings. If it stalls your jungling Amumu, just fuck it and defend the tower. If you miss that minion wave at bot Mordekaiser, it doesn't matter, since because of you we got the mid tower. Also, let the Ezreal escape Dr. Mundo, because otherwise they push bot lane too hard.
Anyone who is willing to play this way, let me know. Not today most likely, I don't think we have enough people for that (me and my friend TehWP are up for it most likely, so 3 guys needed) I'll be in NA servers and my username is Bordellimies, feel free to add me to friend if you want. But let me know that you were from here, will ya.
If you have someone else who isn't in that list who you'd want to play as tank, let me know who it is and why that champ is good when built tank.