I thought the video was pretty nice. Something about slow motion just makes things...
cool. I don't find it particularly inspiring though. Now, the
Pale Blue Dot, while being old and extensively used, is incredible.
The probe wasn't even
anywhere near the
outer boundaries of the solar system when it took that picture. Yet we're already reduced to a single pixel. Space is big.
Big. Even trying to comprehend the size of our measly little solar system isn't possible to do without abstracting the idea into meaninglessness. Kinda makes me sad when sci-fi shows just jump around galaxies and universes like they're flying in a jet over something the size of a slightly largish continent, or, to get a bit too uh, philosophical, why I dislike most religious mindsets - they reduce the idea of a divine being who created
this to a petty, smallminded creature who apparently cares what we, impossibly complex arrangements of uncounted trillions of components mostly made of empty space, living on an impossibly tiny speck of dust which orbits an impossibly tiny fireball in an impossibly complex cluster of uncounted trillions of other fireballs which is also mostly made of empty space, do to each other, or what arrangements of components we put on ourselves as clothing, or what actions our arrangement of chemical and electrical impulses prompt us to do to make our chemical and electrical impulses re-arrange themselves into a pattern that we find more pleasing. It's almost an insult to whatever set this system of amazingly complex chaotic relations into motion.
Aaand, back on the sci-fi/scale note, Larry Niven's Ringworld series is great. Has some kickass descriptive writing.