The problem here is that what computers are good at is brute-forced logic and computations, whereas the human mind works heuristically. To overcome the human mind with brute-force logic and computations, you have to follow each possible branch of action--and there must be a preset conclusion, at which point you evaluate each eventuality, rank the paths, and follow the best one.
There are, of course, some more current modes of AI where the program is shown "good" and "bad" examples, and its job is to learn what makes the good examples good and the bad examples bad. The problem is that many situations are too complex for the AI to properly evaluate within a "reasonable" amount of time, whereas the human mind generally does a much better job at playing such combinatorial games as chess and go.
In general, though, to unlock AI that surpasses the human mind you're going to need much, much better processors than we have right now--and IIRC, it has been proven that our current materials/mode of execution cannot possibly support the needed computing power (even with our rate of increase, there's an asymptote/leveling off that is supposed to happen pretty soon due to physical limitations). On the other hand, there's a good deal of hope in quantum computers and nanotech, but conventional computing will fail us here.
* My apologies, by the way, since I can't support most of my statements. Most of it comes from bits of pieces of popularizations and meanderings on the internet, as well as newspaper articles. If you want to know more, you could try out Penrose's
The Emperor's New Mind and Hofstader's
Godel, Escher, Bach. Other things to search/look into would be the AI winter and refutations of the strong AI hypothesis.