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Author Topic: God's Clusterforum Game - Dead!  (Read 5835 times)


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #75 on: June 28, 2010, 11:38:10 pm »



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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #76 on: June 29, 2010, 12:21:23 am »

I think this might be dead... unless someone else want's to step in as GM...
Avid (rabid?) Linux user. Preferred flavor: Arch


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #77 on: June 29, 2010, 03:06:17 am »

well i hope its not dead, but if it is i nominate chedar as gm, i also join the quew to join the game
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2010, 11:34:26 am »

Already GM-ing two games, so I can't GM. Sorry.


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #79 on: June 30, 2010, 02:26:33 am »

well then second try, i nominate nurir due to him having the second post
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!

Nirur Torir

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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #80 on: June 30, 2010, 04:31:00 am »

Huh? Yea, sure, I've always enjoyed a good usurpation. Let's do this by the rules, of course.

I propose a new law, as follows:
Nirur Torir is the Guardian. He is above the Advisors and has all of the god's powers, but can be immediately vetoed down by the god. He loses his status as Advisor, and cannot behave as one. The Advisors may vote him back to Advisor by unanimously voting his replacement in, without any favor cost. The new Guardian follows these same rules.


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #81 on: July 01, 2010, 12:03:43 am »

If people are wondering, I'm out, so just ignore my posts, kill my guy or whatever.


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #82 on: July 13, 2010, 11:07:13 pm »

Turn 2: I swear, there never was a ridiculously long wait, you're all trippin'.

Player Actions:

>Name the forest "Serenity Forest"
It is so!
>Find a staff, send a prayer to the heavens asking for a blessing
You find a staff! Upon the completion of the prayer, you feel the staff's weight drop considerably, and you feel its weight like a fraction of a feather's. You test it, cautious of breaking it, and begin to understand that it would take a great deal to break this great rod.
>"Who goes there? I go here! My name is Mission and I am here and there!"
Divine Intervention: Small and ordinary critters(The size of a hog and smaller), now inhabit the world and can be found roaming the forest and the mountain and the plains. Any actions/role playing involving them is free and is fair game.
Therefore, you find some rabbits! Hurrah!
A distant thunderstorm rumbles...(Heavenly Dialogue)Dear Advisors; it has come to my attention that one of our followers has apparently given himself a name and has begun to proclaim it without permission. This is of little matter to a God like myself, but to yourselves, it seems a bit haughty! As if our Heavenly Court is unable to name people! Surely, they may have an opinion, but just as surely, so must you! Decide whether or not to punish this mortal for such an audacious action.

>I name it "Islas" and engrave the name into something.
And it is so! The nearest thing you find to engrave is a large boulder, and you find a smaller, denser stone and begin to engrave the new name: "Islas"! As you do so, the boulder begins to glow where you have etched. This boulder shall forever glow and tell the name of the great crater!

>Make a tool that will shatter rock and break ore into chunks, and can be re-used without damage. Ideally, a dwarven pick.
No such tool easily presents itself to you, but you surmise that if nothing else you can use some heavy stones that are lying near to smash the rocks apart.
(Also the debate about him finding an ore vein: it's very soft earth, and the ore was right there underneath it. Plus...)
Suddenly, the Earth below qwertyuiopas began to rumble for a good number of seconds...

>Name the mountain "Mount Nirur"
It is so!
>Head for the mountain some more!
After long hours and days, and countless small hills and valleys(and even a river!), you reach the base of the mountain, only to realize the scale of such a place! This will be a dangerous, yet rewarding journey! In order to survive such conditions, some preparations and much prayer should be made.
A sudden breeze near Cheddarius whistles through the grass. It almost sounds like the wind whispered "A minor gift. Ask, and you might receive."
>"Glorious God, I kneel before thy grace, and plead humbly for aid! I pray to you in your benevolence, which shines upon us all like the warm rays of the sun! Mighty God, grant me a bow!"
Yep, 2 favor for one(1) bow and one(1) quiver.

>Ponders his existence
It is a fine one indeed! No reedits necessary! You have been given a grand and honorable task of naming this planet and this continent! The heavenly powers urge you to do so!

Advisor Actions & Proposals:

Nirur Torir
Vote "Yea" on Nirur Torir's Proposal

Vote "Yea" on Nirur Torir's Proposal

Demonic Spoon

Bless the staff in some way if possible.(See above; next time YOU come up with how to bless it or I'll defavor you. Har.)
1 Favor to mission0

Heavenly Court:

New Rule: Small and ordinary critters(The size of a hog and smaller), now inhabit the world and can be found roaming the forest and the mountain and the plains. Any actions/roleplaying involving them is free and fair, unless otherwise deemed by the Advisors.
New Rule: It is considered blasphemous for a Player to name an intelligent being(oneself included) without the consent of a Heavenly Official.
Nirur Torir's Law has two votes; needs one more to pass! As it isn't much of a "Law", I'll just say this: Every Player will command a 10 person tribe if it passes...
Proposition 2: All advisors may only act against each other through the players (if this isn't true already).
Proposition 3: Any adviser may block a "rule 9 law" for 20 favor. Multiple advisers may pool favor for the sole use of countering a "rule 9 law," so long as the total favor pooled equals 20.
Player Rule 3 ABOLISHED I find it more appropriate to let the Advisors decide what Players can do with their favor.

10 Favor to all Players

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
NOTE: I forgot to put the mountain's name on here. Whoops.

So yeah, sorry it's been forever. If there's no interest in this game anymore I totally understand.

I'm making lots of small changes to the rules and such. It feels very loose-endy and I think that's why I gave up interest. I'll try to cure it this time instead of abandoning!


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #83 on: July 13, 2010, 11:29:21 pm »

An update! I'd forgotten about this game :)
Avid (rabid?) Linux user. Preferred flavor: Arch


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #84 on: July 14, 2010, 12:26:09 am »

Eh... I dunno about this. I mean, I'll play, of course; but it seems a little bit unbalanced to me. It seems that what you accomplish is based not on what you can accomplish, but on what you want to accomplish; that success is based not on having smart actions, but having your actions be so extravagant that even the partial success granted is very, very good.

Case in point: I tried to do what I thought the game was about. It is about many things, of course, but I think this is one of the main ones; I attempted to appease the advisors. I tried to go to a mountain to get an egg. Now this should seem fairly simple, yes? But apparently it was not. The two most ambitious actions were entirely successful. Mission exploded a tree by punching it with his fists. Qwerty, similarly, dug up an ore vein and a mystery box with his bare hands. Me? I walked to the mountain. Scratch that - I walked partway to the mountain. The two people who tried to do immense, fantastical, outrageous actions accomplished them; I, who tried to be reasonable, failed at walking. The same thing happened next. I tried to walk up the mountain and get a condor egg; perhaps it would work this time. No; I failed at walking again. This runs counter to everything. The crazier your action, the more you will succeed; the easier, the more you will fail.

(Also, about the iron. I don't argue the difficulty of uncovering the ore, merely the difficulty of finding one. What are the chances of finding a vein of ore, just like that, with your bare hands?
Here's a thought experiment. Suppose you go into your backyard, right now, and dig for a few hours, or days. Have you found an ore vein hidden in your backyard? No? Any mystical green locked boxes? Well, maybe try someone else's? You say there aren't any there either? Yeah. There's a reason why mining companies have to prospect for ore, to use advanced modern technology to try to find where any is located. Even with industrial fleets of giant digging machines, even in the old times before some of the ore was dug up, just digging giant holes trying to find ore is foolhardy.)


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #85 on: July 14, 2010, 12:22:10 pm »

It probably is a bit unbalanced/unstructured. But like I said I'm trying to fix it up. I really truly have no idea exactly what I'm doing with it, but that's okay. I believe something will emerge. What I am HOPING for is that the Advisors will eventually begin imposing their will on the Players, giving them the ideas of what is wrong and what is right and what can be accomplished each turn and what even a turn is. Because right now, in the same turn you walked for days while Diablous carved a word on a rock. So time isn't really well defined either.

Mostly, I want to coordinate the Heavenly Court, and handle the lawmaking/breaking/etc. while the Advisors actually start running the game. Make sense? If you notice, the Player's Rules/Laws are rather empty. It's so the Advisors can fill them in. :P
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 12:26:19 pm by Tylui »


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #86 on: July 14, 2010, 12:27:51 pm »

Hey, this is still alive!

Diablous smiled to himself after he finished carving the name. The glow will ensure that all who come here will know that the crack is named Islas. Hmm. He was getting kinda thirsty. Isn't there a river to the southeast? He could use a drink of water. He began to go to the southeast, away from Islas to find a river to drink from.

I go to the river that is southeast of Islas.
Quote from: Solifuge
A catgirl, whom oft it would please
To dine on a pizza, with cheese,
Thought it was quite fine
To be partly feline,
Excepting the hairballs and fleas.


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #87 on: July 14, 2010, 03:38:52 pm »

Cheddarius bent upon his knees and prayed to the gods. "O Mighty Ones, Creators of the World, Bringers of Life, Strong Lords of the Heavens, answer me this; what capabilities do you grant us? I ask not for strength, nor agility, nor even common sense; if you let us bend the bones of the earth with our minds, I will accept that gladly; if you constrain us so that we can only walk one foot per day, I will accept that gladly; if you do both, I will accept that gladly; I ask only that you make our capabilities clear, with rules telling us what we can do, and that you have consistency, and let all men, shaped by the nimble fingers of the gods, be created equal, one man able to do what another can do, excepting of course the use of tools or accumulated skill."

(translation: Could you guys make rules that make clear limits on stuff? "You can walk this much per turn", "each turn is X hours/days", "you have the strength of this many men", etc.?)


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #88 on: July 15, 2010, 06:49:14 am »

Alright, I'm in for now..

>Give a name to theese grassy fields, call it Ye Bare Fields because I really need some clothes right now.
Then I get inspired to call this planet something! I call it Bluesky because that's what I see above me.
Then I call the continent Randomia because I had a moment of writers block and thought of something random.

Now I wonder where the nine hells I should find some clothes, or atleast some pants.


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Re: God's Clusterforum Game
« Reply #89 on: July 15, 2010, 01:08:27 pm »

Cheddarius had walked for an age. With each step the mountain seemed tantalizingly close, but it was always farther away. Finally he had reached the base of the mountain... but the thought of hiking to the top nearly made him give up. How much longer would it take to reach the top? He sighed in despair. Perhaps something else would keep his mind off of hiking... he held his new bow and quiver in his hands fondly, whispering praises to the god Nirur. Yes, a hunt would do him good. Looking about, he saw tracks of animals, wild boar, rabbit, and other small beasts. Perhaps the boar would be difficult to catch with his current level of skill and weapon, but a rabbit would be a fine sacrifice to his favored god Nirur, and good practice with his bow as well. Knowing this, he set out to hunt a rabbit, as the whispers of the mighty Nirur Torir had commanded him, and resolved that afterwards, he would hike up to the top of the mountain and search for a condor egg, shooting the defending condor with his bow if necessary.
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