Hey everyone! I'm new here.
So after losing a couple painstaking months of progress on my most recent fortress to the item-melting crash bug (it happened twice before I realized what was causing it), I've decided to give one of these community games a try. They look like fun. I will warn you, though, I'm fairly new to the game, so I will probably fail spectacularly, and sooner rather than later. But hey, that's half the fun, right?
First off, I'll need some volunteers. If you want to take part in this glorious trainwreck, here's what I need from you:
* Name
* Preferred gender (I'll do my best with the starting group I'm given)
* Profession
* Any other personal information, for flavor's sake
* Preferences regarding starting gear or embark point, if any (again, I'll do my best)
* Your dwarf's goals for himself/herself (Legendary Wood Burner!) or for the fortress (1x1 platinum pillar as high as it can go!), if any
Ridiculous/impractical ideas are highly encouraged, because they will make the schadenfreude that much sweeter when they go horribly, horribly wrong.
I'm going to reserve one dwarf for myself to round out the skill set, so once I've got 6 responses I'll fire up the world generator and get this thing underway!
Initial Immigrants
1. Teyo, carpenter [me!]
2. Captain Brunch, swordsdwarf
3. Miss Slaughter, swordsdwarf
4. Deon Gaurd, axedwarf
5. Arni Naurloth, miner
6. Ashford, cook
7. Helga van Zant, doctor
1st Wave
8. Doppel, carpenter (to become a swordsdwarf once I can make swords)
9. Mafol, mason [unclaimed!]
10. Led, weaponsmith [unclaimed!]
11. Melbil, weaver [unclaimed!]
12. Cog, glassmaker [unclaimed!]
13. Onul, fish dissector [unclaimed!]
14. Stukos, broker [unclaimed!]
2nd Wave
15. Spartan, cheese maker
16. Kogan, furnace operator [unclaimed!]
17. Shorast, brewer [unclaimed!]
18. Muthkat, pump operator [unclaimed!]
Fortress Baby!
19. Dakost, baby [unclaimed!]
3rd Wave
20. Dumed, engraver [unclaimed!]
21. Kulet, ranger [unclaimed!]
22. Nye "The Professor", doctor
23. Amost, thresher [unclaimed!]
24. Amost, peasant [unclaimed!]
25. Ilral, hunter [unclaimed!]
26. Fath, wood burner [unclaimed!]
27. Imush, gem setter [unclaimed!]
28. Cog, furnace operator [unclaimed!]
29. Kogan, cheese maker [unclaimed!]
30. Unib, soap maker [unclaimed!]
31. Dishmab, architect [unclaimed!]
32. Cog, trapper [unclaimed!]
33. Kivish, clothier [unclaimed!]
34. Rigoth, clerk [unclaimed!]
35. Urvad, fishery worker [unclaimed!]
36. Monom, fish cleaner [unclaimed!]
37. Ezum, animal trainer [unclaimed!]
38. Edem, peasant [unclaimed!]
39. Ustuth, fish dissector [unclaimed!]
40. Ineth, lye maker [unclaimed!]
41. Likot, child [unclaimed!]
42. Muthkat, child [unclaimed!]
Fortress baby!
43. Erush, baby [unclaimed!]
4th Wave
44. Kivish, bone carver [unclaimed!]
45. Vabok, stone crafter [unclaimed!]
46. Led, animal trainer [unclaimed!]
47. Sakzul, butcher [unclaimed!]
48. Asmel, surgeon [unclaimed!]
49. Atis, animal caretaker [unclaimed!]
50. Ingish, hunter [unclaimed!]
51. Rimtar, farmer [unclaimed!]
52. Kel, metalcrafter [unclaimed!]
53. Ezum, clothier [unclaimed!]
54. Vabok, tanner [unclaimed!]
55. Goden, mason [unclaimed!]
56. Fath, fisherdwarf [unclaimed!]
57. Thikut, hunter [unclaimed!]
58. Zefon, woodcutter [unclaimed!]
59. Geshud, ranger [unclaimed!]
60. Libash, brewer [unclaimed!]
61. Zon, fish dissector [unclaimed!]
62. Lor, woodcutter [unclaimed!]
63. Kel, leatherworker [unclaimed!]
64. Bomrek, administrator [unclaimed!]
65. Tholtig, furnace operator [unclaimed!]
Fortress baby!
66. Melbil, baby [unclaimed!]