Well basicly I was thinking about cutting the map into quarters. From these quarters I work out a good amount of distance from the edge, make a 5 tile wide 'moat' and then leave the center open for construction up... I am thinking Circular as I have a simple Gridmap of circles for easy reference. 43 Tiles wide for the base and then leave the acutal building of the rest of the 75 Levels for the builders...
Was gonna clean away the soil over the Tower Spot, carving away so that only soil flooring is there for maximum aboveground farms to be built during construction, leaving the rest for you guys but if you want I will leave it intact...
Well seeing as you are right with the need for miners...
Miners x3
5 Miner / 4 Sub Mechanic/1 Building Designer
5 Miner / 5 Mason
5 Miner / 5 Mason
Woodworkers x 1
5 Woodcutter / 5 Carpenter
Trader x 1
4 Ambusher / 1 Appraise / 1 Record / 1 Judge / 3 Herberlist
Foodie x 1
5 Farming / 2 Fishcleaning / 3 Brewing
Crafter x 1
5 Stone Crafting / 5 Fishing
I agree with your miner thoughts due to the time limit, the woodcutters will sub as Carpenters if I have enough time to start building itself. The Farmer subs as a fishcleaner when he isn't brewing or planting, this is because Fishing will be done by the Crafter at a large amount before devling into the Stoneworks to make some tradegoods. Fishing is the only way to get shells now, but the fact is not many do it these days. I have collected tons of Turtles from almost every map I have been on since the start of the New version. So unless I will be proven wrong this once I might change it...
I will also be taking with us...
Actually I am not sure yet, gonna see whats left first...
Normally I start with an Anvil and make the gear when I get there, it might be cheaper so I will see. Even then we don't need a Master at making weapons cause they are only gonna be used by Glug workers....
I also like to take with me a Cow and a Bull, just to start up the cheese and meat industry a little earlier, they do take longer then dogs to reproduce but they should be worth it. Will also take 3 Bitches and 1 Dog. This should be a good enough amount to start up dog training in the future...
Seeds will not be taken, if needed to grow them, collect them. We are building up so there is little chance of Cavern use, but none the less I will try and capture some if people want it...
Food would be like 3 of each thing in the cow line, this should give us tons of food and barrels right...