Watched Lost. Thought it might be good. Watched it get bad. Hoped it might get better. Watched it get worse. Wondered if it would have a plot twist that I couldn't see coming a mile away. Watched it come close, then "fix" itself at the last minute.
Watched Serenity. Thought it was pretty dang good.
Watched Firefly. Took a little while to get into it, but once I did I thought it was excellent.
Watched Serenity again, now that I'd watched all of Firefly. Thought it was even better.
Watched Buffy.
Wondered why I was watching Buffy, and how the same person made both shows.
Yeah, I guess I just don't "get" Buffy. I haven't watched much, but I can only hope it's not as fantastically horrible as it first appears to be, and that it is in fact some sort of parody. Otherwise, I'd be forced to lower my opinion of a number of different people.
As for Lost, damn... I took some pretty basic film classes for less than one year and I don't even make the blunders that this yahoo does! I could barely watch it early on for all the hideous cinematography that kept getting pulled out! Lame angles, poor sequence of events, and the music... Ugk. I continued watching it to see if it got better once it hit its stride (and also to see what happens next, as I am a passionately curious person. I read vast amounts of crappy webcomics and will become glued to the screen for the horrendous SciFi channel specials they show now and again, just so I can sate my curiosity), and thought that "well, the writing's at least okay".
...well, then the writing tanked. Hard. And the dialog just got laughable. Eventually, there was only a single character that didn't annoy me (Sawyer), and then they decided to change him and fix that little discrepancy.
I've sat through far more Lost than I'd care to, by virtue of there being nothing else to watch (DVD set, no TV access), and due to the fact that my parents actually like the stuff. I realized eventually that they could have had a kind of "soft science" explanation for all this tomfoolery and actually get away with a semi-plausible scenario... Now I realize that the whole show will eventually boil down to one of three things: A) God, B) Magic, C) Aliens.
And just for the sake of making my position clear, yes... Kaylee is hot damn.