Ze Chronicles of Mein Herr Verrochio: Master of Ze Mechanos ant Rightful Overlort of All Ze Known Vorlt: Chapter Three: Exploratink ant Makink Thinks BetterIt has bean such a lonk time since I haff updatink zis diary. Zince zen, ve haff found out a great deal of thinks about zis upper vorld! Some of vich are gut, some very bad!
I vill be startink viff zis gut news first. Vord has reached us zat zer are very many uffers in ze vorld (almost all of vich are LUDDITES to be struckink down). Fortunatelink, zey haff been sendink vord of uffers zat zey haff been destroytink. Zer haff been a LOT.
Ze ground underneath Vaul (ze council still has not decidet on a new name, yet) has become less frostink! Ve can now till ze soil. Zat fool Albrechto claims zat it vos ze vork of nature. Ve should haff him executed.
Ve managet to put together a group to clear ze area off snow and buildink villages, shortlink after zis. Ve can now start our expansions. Ve need more lebensraum. Ve managed to be convincink a few of ze neighbourink villages zat zey shut join us, ant spread our influencink further.
Oh, ve also rediscoveredink ze vay to carve statues in such a vay zat zey make people giddy at ze knees. Zis is gut, no? Ve are researchink how to make ze minink vork on ze surface, too.
Ze bad news is mainly personalink.
Ve discovered a village of barbarians to ze south of us. I vos sent as an emissary, alonk viff zat disgustink Albrecto. Ve made overtures of peace to ze creatures, alzo zey paid little attention to me. I am thinkink zat Albrecto vos beink sincere in vot he claimed. Disgustink creatures livink in huts deserve nothink but our vepons. Ve sent Albrecto back to ze orks, and he tried to grope one of ze chieftain's daughters! HILARITY!
Ve also discoverink a race of beautiful paleskinn't vomen. Albrechto vos sent on his own, at his own requestink. Zat bastard. Apparentlink, "peacevul negotiations" vent vell, alzo ze vomen vere annoyt at Albrecto for "some reasont".
Ve also lost a scout to a group of skeletons, after zey searcht a grafeyard. Hopefullink, zey will weaken ze barbarians, so ve can conquer zem. Ve haff, howeverink, seen von of zem close by. Hopefully, zey vont come closer.
Ze vorker vos killt by a vild dread hamsteren, and ze people are afraid to be leavink ze city. Zis is unfortunate. Ze skeleton left afterwards, zo.
Finallyink, zer vos a crazy mann in ze town today. He claimt to bring varnink of very much danger unless all creatures banded togetherink. Mein Vise Herr ordert him executed.
What should we do next? Build up an army and conquer the orcs or build up peacefully in the North? Also, it's three votes to get the city name changed! And I think I may have made the barbarians a bit TOO powerful, judging by how many civs got conquered that quickly. They're mainly Northern civs, too, so they might not be that far from us. We'll have to play this safe. Especially because of that god damn dread hamster.