You start by firing your SPLOT gun in front of you - the glow from it lets you know that you were shooting at the creature's tooth.
Laserer Check - 29%01
Result: 54/100
FailureSPLOT! Maybe gigantic teeth are SPLOT resistant or something. You conclude that your earlier SPLOT test wasn't very comprehensive. Well, regardless, you can see a bit better now, and at least he'll have a hard time getting that off his tooth!
Hmm... better try to give him a tooth ache!
Horny Driller Check - 55%01
Result: 57/100
FailureYou get a ways into the tooth but the beast doesn't seem to react. You're only making little holes - you won't be able to get out this way any time soon.
WOOSH! In comes a rush of water! The power of the flow is too strong to swim against, so you try to help yourself out with your jet pack.
Nothing happens! Your jetpack must have got caught by the bite, and is doing all it can already!
As you're washed down the creature's gullet, you catch a glimpse through its open mouth of glowing glass bubbles in the water ahead of you.
Think fast, Space Fish, or you'll be Space Finished!StatsYou're a fish. I still don't have a stat system. Looks like we'll be sticking with skills!
Skills- 85% swimmer
01###17##############85##97#100 - 55% horny driller
01##11#########55#######91##100 - 53% communication
01##11#########53#######91##100 - 38% zero-gravity jetpack operator
01##08######38##########88##100 - 29% laserer
takes into account the shoddiness of your gun
01#06#####29########72######100 - -11 to haggle check results (threshold-free skill)
Untrained skills start at 20%.Abilities- basic five senses
- omnivore (tiny animals only)
- water-breathing
- vacuum-resistance
- krill-desiring cute eyes
Inventory- damaged jetpack tail attachment
- oxygen-bubbly space-fish breathing apparatus
- dorsal solar panel
- face-mounted drill horn
- fin-grip shoddy ZapTec SPLOT gun (double crit fail range, min 10)
- quarter bag of exquisite space krill
- map of a water park
- ventrilobox