You leave Skully's and look out into the blackness for the starwhal - it doesn't take you long to find. Off a ways you can see it, its horn a beacon in the dark. It seems to be followed by a trail of stars, like some kind of cosmic shepherd.
It takes you a little longer than you expected to get close to the starwhal. In fact, this starwhal seems to be quite significantly larger than you realised.
You get up close to it and realise its size - this starwhal must be absolutely ancient to have grown this large!
You try to get its attention to talk to it.
Communication Check - (50%-10% for difficulty)01
Result: 52/100
FailureDespite all of your flailing and shouting, it doesn't seem to notice you at all. You drift slightly away from its eye, and see a star right in front of you.
Wait a second... those aren't stars! They're a kind of space fish!
How'll you react to this, Space Fish?StatsYou're a fish. I haven't decided a stat system yet.
Skills- 85% swimmer
01###17##############85##97#100 - 50% communication
01##10########50########90##100 - 38% zero-gravity jetpack operator
01##08######38##########88##100 - 20% laserer
takes into account the shoddiness of your gun
01#04###20##########68######100 - 20% horny driller
01#04###20#############84###100 - -11 to haggle check results (threshold-free skill)
Untrained skills start at 20%.Abilities- basic five senses
- omnivore (tiny animals only)
- water-breathing
- vacuum-resistance
- krill-desiring cute eyes
Inventory- jetpack tail attachment
- oxygen-bubbly space-fish breathing apparatus
- dorsal solar panel
- face-mounted drill horn
- fin-grip shoddy ZapTec SPLOT gun (double crit fail range, min 10)
- quarter bag of exquisite space krill