Seriously, I don't see how "the AI cheats" translates into "you mean the game is really good you hypocrite!"
Fallout 3 is, and I JUST KNOW I'm going to get flam-bayed for this, but, to me it's like Twilight, it's badly written, derivative, dumbed down, and down right bad. Yet it seems to be liked by nearly 80 percent of people around me. To be honest I genuinely tried to like it in the hopes that I would "get" it. Just like I read Twilight in hopes that I would "get" it. And like Twilight it's one of those thing where if you
don't like it people argue that "OH your just being argumentative/nitpicking, you really do like it." I mean I played VtM for TEN YEARS half of which I ST/DM'd, I know Vampires. I've been playing Vidyo games for TWENTY YEARS, I know video games. I can fairly cognizantly decide what is good and bad about a video game. There's just about nothing that is good about fallout 3, that is not derived from the previous installments and even those moments are toned down in comparison. Here I'm going to go through the thing piece by piece and give you a quick break down.
Atmosphere, decent but ultimately ruined by the fact that you can't walk 30 feet without getting attacked by something.
Gameplay I've already covered above. The shooting mechanics are ultimately ruined by the abundance of healing items and ammo, auto aim and the redonkulous cone of fire. And the near weightlessness of one and the actual weightlessness of the other. When I completed the game the first time I decided to empty all my guns of ammo and melee the final fights. It took me 1 hour of just firing into a wall to give up on emptying my 556 ammo. And that was the first one I decided to empty. I had over 4000 rounds of 556. To give you an idea of the space that would take up. A 556 round takes up about 2.2 inches in length. So (2.2*4000)\12=733 feet you know what else is that tall, about 3/4 the Empire State Building. I had enough bullets to climb 3/4 the Empire State building.
Now for stimpaks so guesstimating that stimpaks are around 4.3 inches long lets do that calculation again, I had around 900 with my character, and around 2500 stocked up in megaton. so 4.3*(900+2500)\12=1218 feet that's the whole empire state building-40ft.
Graphics don't matter.
Story, leeched almost directly from fallout 1 and 2. Completely nonsensical when looked at with the others of the series.
Quests, TWSG, ultimately, was stupid, but the concept was not, I would like to see more game implementing something like it. Just needs a little work on the delivery. Arefu was stupid, and a pain in the ass. Tenpenny Tower, the ghouls slaughtering the admitedly asshole-ish residents was the... good path? Fetch quests abound, nuka cola challenge, et al. Power of the atom was poorly conceived, and retarded.
UI is complete fail on the PC.
Writing complete fail on so many levels, it makes me angry that this game was praised for good writing. "You seen my dad, older, brown haired guy?" You mean, like, the 20 in megaton alone? "I fight the good fight with my voice kid, you better believe it!" "Intelligence: Ah, so you fight the good fight with your voice." "That's right kid you're just a chip off the old block aren't you." So my dad is functionally retarded, that would explain why he left me in a vault with a murderous megalomaniac without telling me he was leaving.
VO is immediately redeemed by Liam Neeson... Only to fail once he's dead. Budumtish
Sound doesn't matter.
Music was good, but ultimately the radio broke the atmosphere. In all but a select few places.
Have I missed any element.
Also, he's the one that was flaming, I have yet to toss out an insult.