I've been dreaming up some new features and I'm hoping to have an update this week. So far I have non-square maps working, and though I coded things originally with that possibilty in mind, I still made alot of inconvenient shortcuts that were only possible with a square map, so there's still some polishing needing to be done so that changing the map aspect doesn't make controls go out of sync etc.
I also changed the coast control buttons to a three state button that can do coast, nothing, or mountain. The mountain border is working out alot better than I had hoped, and has some really cool advantages for regional type maps. Fictionally, it helps explain why people don't just step one tile off the map when there's clearly land there that could be useful for settling. It also helps in corraling the rivers together so they can't just escape off the map edge. That leads to some very nice river networks complete with major rivers and sometimes junctions of major rivers! In my opinion every DF world should at least have the possiblity of a Three-Gorges Dam type project causing some major environmental damage. The mountain borders do all this while looking perfectly natural.
I'm still trying to figure out a nice way to import bitmaps in a way that won't complicate the interface too much. I don't want to have to make a bigger screen because I know that some of you are already using screens that are too small to fit what's there already. For now, I'm going to allow importing greyscale bitmaps as another input field for the elevation map, and there will be an optional square filter to smooth it out so you can paint contours with wide brushes. Then you can mix the field in with the noise etc.
Another thing I would like to do for the noise fields is to grab and move them a bit. Often the noise you get is exactly what you want but not exactly in the right place. Dragging them around to offset their position would be very useful.
Hopefully I can have this all done this week or maybe the next depending on how busy I am with life.