Yeah, the thing is, you take your hits. You sign on with someone like EA, you let your greed get ahead of you like that, don't be surprised if people don't buy your game. Because, unfortunately, EA have pronounced pretty loudly that people not buying games they publish is the absolute only way they will listen.
On the other hands, listening just means they will blame it on piracy.
So that isn't even the point. What you have said, IS. Developers, good developers, sign on with EA because they think it is the best decision. If you are like me, and want EA to take a fall because of the damage they are doing, talking to EA isn't going to work. They'll ignore any and all messages sent their way. You need to send a message to those same developers, and that message is "Working with EA is bad business." because that is the only way THEY will listen.
Yes, people will get hurt. Some of those developers might die. But I don't give a damn about companies, because game companies, the good ones, come and go constantly anyways, but no matter why they fail the people who made them great go on to show up in those new good companies.
And if enough companies fail, they will start to realize that working with EA is bad, and the goal (less games with crappy EA stuff) will be achieved. See?
. No game, no matter how good, and no developer, no matter how good their games, has a right to success. Successfully boycotting EA (which isn't likely, regardless) just means that EA-linked developers have to deal with what turned out to be a bad decision - welcome to the business world.