I dunno, some of the overstated disgust I see people have when talking about pedophilia strikes me in the same way that a gay man acting homophobic does. It would explain the paradox of things like "to catch a predator" being popular at the same time that porn sites advertise with slogans like"barely legal".
It is a very strange phenomenon that at the same time that we can make catching people trying to hook up with girls just under the legal pornography age into a legal spectacle, we consider it perfectly normal to ogle and chase girls just over the legal pornography age. I chalk it up to more appeal-of-the-forbidden. While I don't think any of the disgust on display is overstated, I do agree that the blanket, irrational (that is, hasty, not unjustifiable) stigma makes it very hard to probe into and understand. And with understanding comes answers. So yeah.
Really, one thing I hate is the idea of a "legal age". Its basically just an arbitrary line saying " at 17 years and 11 months you are totally innocent and incapable of mentally comprehending sex. But at 18 you're suddenly a lot more mature and can go out and fuck anything that moves." Worse yet they let kids drive before they're supposed to have sex, which strikes me as hilariously ironic. Yeah, they're capable of piloting a steel box filled with explosive liquid down the street at 90 miles an hour but heaven forbid that they should do what nature, society and their hormones are all screaming for them to do.
Alternatively couldn't we have a "sex license?". Something like a drivers license, except that it allows you to hump people. Just go down to the DSF, take a test, be evaluated by a trained psychologist and if everything comes out good then bam, sexual freedom. On the other hand you could just institute a " x year law" saying that only people with X years difference between their ages can hump one another. So a 19 year old can hump her 17 year old boyfriend or vice versa but a 40 year old can't hump a 16 year old.
I dunno, its a tricky subject. Addressing the sexuality of "children" (eg people under the legal age) is something that makes many people uncomfortable, probably because they fear being called a pedophile. But I think it's something that has to be addressed rather then simply ignored.