Diary of Robocorn Betanlorbam
I awoke in a hot sweat, I 'ad some terrible dream abou' Krimson killin' me an' half th' migrants before floodin' th' whole damn fortress an' destroyin' all we work't for. It was a big relief when I saw th' guy standin' before me. Krimson 'as always been there fer me an' I nev'r really trust'd th' fella. I think I'll make a change, I'll trust this one dwarf unlike all of th' oth'r dwarves that said they check'd th' still fer toxic bubbles, or said thet were of consentin' age, or assur'd me they weren't really human princesses. I'll put that aside fer Krimson. 'E kin 'ave th' bed.
later I saw some daft laddie named Matuin tryin' t' dig t' th' sea t' let th' water in. I dinnae if it were my dream but I told th' bucko t' stop so as not t' kill us all when th' water pressure causes a flood that drowns us all in seconds. told 'im t' go fer the dirt with th' water flowin innit.
While I told th' rest o' 'em t' go collec' th' materials from th' wagon someone built a wall infron' o' 'em I hope they kin get th' wall down afore th' Skelks get 'em. Maybe we should make a drawbridge there instead.
I seem t' get th' impression that me ol' buddy Heyguys 'is no longer among th' living. I feel sad bu' I cannae help but think that this is what 'e would 'ave want'd. As th' goblins say "Gu ek us dotom Mokgaru!" dinnae what it means realleh' but th' queen says it at every funeral so it must be somethin' nice. I'll ded'cate an empty coffin t' 'im 'r somethin'.
As I slowly die o' thirst in me bed I 'ave th' migrants build a well so they can frikkin' give me liquid. after almos' a month th' bugger finally finish it. Water be sour to me ale lovin' lips, but any drink after th' long parchin' is a good one.
I 'ad a few coffins made. Th' ones fer Heyguys an' Oglokoog are purely symbol'c as I wouldn't risk my life t' fish a corpse outta th' sea or wrestle a skelk for one. Samrek an' our original leader Andreus 'r in their tombs tho, may their souls rest'n peace, as th' goblins say "Obu os-usp, emxa-los!"
God's beard! look at all th' fish! If only we could catch these morsels we'd never 'ave t worry about food ever agin! alas they be under th' sea where no dwarf dare get at 'em.
Th' drawbridge 's finally up'n runnin and work'd by a lever craft'd by Matuin, I feel safer already. we kin lower th' bridge in case th' damn skelks ever get us corner'd some other way.
The works been going fine, I dinnae know what I'd do without these bless'd dwarfs. And ye know, between th' velvet lies, theres a truth that's 'ard as steel, the vision never dies, life's a nev'rendin' wheel...yeah...
Diary of interim scribe Erib Shembidok, Fish Dissector
I dinnae wha' I'm soppos't t' write in th' log but Krimson tells me tha' i's me duty t' do so so I do my duty an' write in this darn diary. I sure don' got any fish t' dissec'!
I slep' righ' through th' whol' thing but I rememb'r th' fellas talkin' 'bout th' dwarf who always slept in th' hospital bed goin' crazy an' attackin' th' fort. wha' both'rs me is tha th' faker got t' sleep fer months when 'e could really walk.
Krimson told us t' stop 'im at any cost. I dinnae wha' really 'append but Krimson was righ' sad today. Th' poor dorf carry'd th' berserk dorf, Rondocore I think, t' 'is grave. lat'r I saw 'im burnin a 'andful o' dwarven rum while cryin'. I wus gonna chastize 'im fer wastin' booze but I 'eard from Rith that Krimson kill'd a dorf an' that 'e was dang'rous.
I dinnae if I kin trus' Krimsin anymore, th' dorf punches me out an' 'alf kills a 'orse before decidin' evrythin's okay, I dinnae understan' a' all.
Th' fort 'as righ' expand'd since tha' bum Rabiecop died, Krimsin made a new hospital fer th' injured dorfs an is workin' on th' farmlan' an tryin' t' get us a dinin' 'all. I can almost fergiv'm fer burnin' that booze. tha's unfergiv'ble.
Krimsin's a genius! 'is plan t' flood th' farms with groun' water work'd! I bet that ol' cripple Roponcorps couldn't o' thought o' that one, bet 'e would o' tried t' drill a 'ole inna th' sea. Tha's why Krims'n's in charge. still cannae trust 'im round booze tho, guy's a pyr'maniac.
A few newcom'rs arrive'd today, Cog Sexyracks, Stukos Metalballs, Thīkut Dankpants, an' a whole bunch o' others, an some kid named Shamebirth, err shamebrith, which means Handlebell, must get a lotta flak fer 'is name's subtle anagram in 'uman.
Today, Krimson as well as both th' new parties declar'd today, limestone 23. t' be Uristfest, dedicat'd t' our noble savior without whom we wouldn't 'ave been able to get by without being attack'd by skel'tal elk. We're 'avin a shrine ded'cated t' Urist in th' fort, t tell urist we lov 'im even though 'e's likely been braindead fer months.
Great Urist th' Immortal died. Our cel'bration 'as end'd an our safty 'as been put at risk. th' skelks 'ave been freed. from their 'ypnosis an are returnin' t' th' field's Battlefailed is in danger once more. I dinnae think tha' skelks are so dang'rous, bu' Krimson sez they be so I righ' lissen.
Th' thing is, th' Skelk jus' left after Urist died. They were replac'd by muskoxen, not zombie muskoxen, regular muskoxen. It seems t' be th' time t' put urist an' 'eyguys t' bed.
A group o' merchan's actualy come 'ere, everyone's so excit'd tha' we put up a gran' ol' depot righ' mou'side our door.
We dinnae 'ave any goods produc'd so we hockdsome o th' stuff we found on th' corpses o' our forebearers. Samrek won' miss 'is gloves. in exchange we bough' some food an' a cage t' keep all these cats in. there nau be many nae but there will be if we dinnae work preemptivleh.
aroun' our entrance we made a wall t' keep ou' th' skel'tals. We haven't seen any since th' skelks, bu' I cannae imagine a better place t' find death than the blueness o' malod'rs.
How it got in I dinnae know but there's a skeltal buzz'rd in th' lobby attakin' a dog. Th dorfs 'r scrambled t' take 't out.
our crak'd team o' dorfs who wernt fightin' dorfs a min'te ago sprung int' action an' broke th' buzz'rd flat in a secon'. jus' t' be safe we closed th' hatches t' th' outside.
The undead buzz'rd swarm outside but cannae get in due t' our fortifications. In my dreams I've been hearin' a voice, I could use a talk with a expedition leader, but there nau be one 'ere. I guess I'll have t' do as th' goblins say. "ngukak mok-ozod." sometimes I wish tha' so many goblin phrases 'adn't been adopted by our dorf culture, but their whimsical phrases seem t' be all tha's left o' 'em so I dinnae 'arbor any ill feelin's aginst 'em. Only Krimsin, fer burnin' good booze.
Th' voice 'as been stayin' with me. say 'e's Andreus th' former leader of Battlefail'd, it cannae be true, Andreus is dead. th' voice tells me t' take control o' th' fort. I need 'elp.
I kin 'ear th' voice when I be awake now. It tells me orders, I cannae excape 't.
As th' year comes t' an en', th' voice becomes loud'r, sometimes it can move me arm aginst me will. I dinnae want t' tell ye what it
makes' me do.I fell meself slippin' away, cannae sleep or Andreus takes control. Cannae let that 'appen.
I cannae be 'elp'd, I cannae hol' on fer any longer. As th' goblins say "Que sera, sera." tha's goblins righ'? This may be my las
That's my turn I'll have The save for Andreus up within the hour. How'd I do?