Journal of Overseer Creiydrek Yearrings, Excerpts
SandstoneSeeing everyone you know torn apart by unfathomable monsters can have a rescinding effect on decisions you've made, even if only in dreams. As if to confirm my hunch of ill omen, some odd noises can been heard from the other side of the floodgate over our tree farm, as if there's a great beast rattling around in the muck, splashing it against the door...
...while the ocean continues to stream into Upper Battlefailed.
We'll need to do something about that soon.
7th SandstoneToday I took Edzul with me on my trip to the hospital. I spent some time with Meng Groupwounds, who is there nursing a concussion and a broken foot. We spoke for a while and he appears to be doing poorly; he insists we call him Pisano from now on and claims he doesn't remember how his negligence killed two of the children. If he thinks a new name will help us forget, he's mistaken.
He punctuated the entire conversation with compliments for the drowning dwarf statues. Soon as we're able I'm changing the decor around here.
I'll respect his decision to resign as Chief Engineer without any complaint. He wants to follow Ilmoran like Daetrin is and became an apprentice under him. I can take over his former duties while he follows his dream. My new projects need builders anyway.
9th SandstoneEvery day as I walk to my bedroom I have to look at that cursed Arena and marvel at the plight of our unreachable comrades, and today I have had enough of it. I am going over there to try and put them out of their misery.
Pisano dramatically shouted into the Arena bearing a petition signed by over a quarter of the fort. It seems they want me to abandon efforts to free Leesin and Dante from their torment and have denounced me as a "heartless fiend" among other things.
Heartless? Have they no idea of the pain I am trying to ease? Not that I do, but if I were in their state I'd want someone to try and kill me. I'm happy to put that in ink.
Rather than risk another fort-wide tantrum I've agreed to hold off on my attempts for now. In public. In private I've doubled my efforts. To provide a fun activity for us we've started engraving the stone once more. Nothing too outlandish was imaged so far.
14th SandstoneEvery day Ilmoran provides a new assortment of truly breathtaking statues, doors and other furnishings. He's begun to fashion us dedicated pieces as well. I don't know what we'd do without him and his craft to liven this place up.
We've started turning this place into a home to really be proud of. With the plan for the added wing out of the picture I've focused on expanding our main hall and making it as beautiful as possible. If we cannot live somewhere nice we can at least make it look like we do.
21st SandstoneI've given Kubuk the unpleasant duty of tidying up the front entrance so we can build a proper series of weapon traps there. This is for his elf slaughter, and he'll be locked outside with food and liquor until he's made some headway.
In fact, I can hear him yelling down to us now. I should go and see what's bothering him.
24th SandstoneMore goblins have come, the year's first siege not even ending before the second one began.
I don't suppose we'll be seeing that caravan.