( greetings to the SA crowd. your amusing threads are what pushed me to doing this.
Ahead, warnings:
This is not for the faint of heart. It is hacked together in an ugly way with the purpose of creating a proof of concept and it may crash and burn on machines other than my two. It requires at least 2 GHz to run in something that is approaching an acceptable manner. It looks pretty ugly. Movement is pretty choppy due to an optimization i did in regards to stationary FPS. Moving around too much may consume your RAM at a rate of 300kb/cube, unless you already were at that location, in that case it is cached.
Now the link: http://fchan.us/dwarvis.rar (You will have to click through the disclaimer, the rar file itself is work-safe.)
Basic info:
This thing is done entirely in Perl. I've taken the activeperl distribution, added in http://www.bribes.org/perl/wopengl.html, then began building off the example on that site. As soon as i had a state where i was fairly certain that it could work, i took the distribution as is, ripped out all the parts that the script didn't need and repacked it as one standalone package. That is what is in the link above.
To start it you simply run the file "dwarvis.bat".
The controls are WASD for normal shooter movement, mouse-click + drag to turn, and R+F to move up or down.
The xx_map_data.txt files contain basic ascii maps. 14 is z+-0, 13 is z-1, etc. The map can currently consist of: " " nothing; "." basic ground; "_" channel or hole in the ground; "#" rock.
The program code is in cube.pl, feel free to muck around with it as you wish.
The texture used is a basic square tileset, partly self-done, partly copied from others.
If you are interested in this, and wish to help me improve it, here's what i am most interested in:
1. crash reports, any and all bugs and complaints the program throws out.
2. general feedback, ideas, etc.
3. expert feedback from other programmers, specifically on the topic of opengl (again, poking at the code, changing, etc. HIGHLY recommended)
4. as this can be done in parallel, and as i suspect by looking at DMFA, may already be done: a way to parse the DF map exports into text files. for now the type of square is sufficient to know, but in the future some color analysis may be neat.
[ November 08, 2007: Message edited by: Mithaldu ]
[ November 09, 2007: Message edited by: Mithaldu ]
[ November 17, 2007: Message edited by: Mithaldu ]