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Would you support adding waste/sewage, and management thereof, as part of Dwarf Fortress? Note that this is in support of most creatures regularly generating some sort of waste, which may have various uses, like fertilizer, or must merely be disposed of.

I support adding creature waste to the game
- 134 (46.9%)
I do NOT support adding creature waste to the game
- 86 (30.1%)
I would not mind, but do not care
- 37 (12.9%)
- 3 (1%)
In the distant future, but not anytime soon. (You should vote yes instead of this, but it was called for.)
- 26 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 285

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Author Topic: Would you support adding waste/sewage?  (Read 13269 times)

Askot Bokbondeler

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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #105 on: June 03, 2010, 03:18:35 pm »

yeah, that's how i envision it. sewers would be a possibility, but not an absolute necessity, and their benefit should be giving a little less work to your haulers and cleaners, as they wouldn't need to be emptying buckets all the time.


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #106 on: June 03, 2010, 06:17:03 pm »

I would prefer a toogle-option for feces since i think noone should deal with stuff if (s)he does not want to. Buckets work in middlesized forts and for a fresh embark digging out a Latrine should work. Toady had said a while back that he has some ideas for pipes etc. so i suggest that feces come after that if they come.
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #107 on: June 03, 2010, 09:19:45 pm »

I would prefer a toogle-option for feces since i think noone should deal with stuff if (s)he does not want to.
This was suggested many times, so if this idea was ever added, it would have an init to disable it. Just as invaders, caveins, economy, and so on can be disabled.


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #108 on: June 04, 2010, 05:28:09 pm »

In the Middle Ages people just shit anywhere and everywhere.  Having straws work(no straws in DF yet), shitting in rivers work(fish actually eat human feces, everything was hungry back in the days).  Shitting in the fields work(fertilize).  A sewage system wasn't exactly necessary since nature just took care of it easily.
Nature was quite overwhelmed with the shitload of shit, which was one reason why medieval cities had such high mortality. Shitting everywhere is not right, but emptying the pot on the streets was the rule. Until there was a lack of fertilizer and some enterprising citizens appropriated that valuable commodity that was just lying there. After a few fights for particularly big piles, the city government leased the right to collect it to the highest bidder.
Dwarf Fortress cured my savescumming.

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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #109 on: June 06, 2010, 12:24:46 am »

Absolutely not. I'm not a civil engineer and I will be damned if I play a game where I have to design and make dwarves construct sewers.
My forts will go from having 1-2 major death spirals per game start to a never-ending slaughterfest of disease and insanity. Not FUN.


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #110 on: June 06, 2010, 01:57:00 am »

Absolutely not. I'm not a civil engineer and I will be damned if I play a game where I have to design and make dwarves construct sewers.
My forts will go from having 1-2 major death spirals per game start to a never-ending slaughterfest of disease and insanity. Not FUN.
That's why you'd just have the option of letting them go in a river or on the ground. You could just channel the river into the fort and put a toilet over it. No harder than water supply is now.
If I wanted ramps I would've designated ramps, dammit!


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #111 on: June 06, 2010, 08:25:26 am »

Absolutely not. I'm not a civil engineer and I will be damned if I play a game where I have to design and make dwarves construct sewers.
My forts will go from having 1-2 major death spirals per game start to a never-ending slaughterfest of disease and insanity. Not FUN.
That's why you'd just have the option of letting them go in a river or on the ground. You could just channel the river into the fort and put a toilet over it. No harder than water supply is now.

Or, you know, take advantage of the inevitable init option to turn it off.
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
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i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #112 on: June 06, 2010, 10:10:08 am »

Wow, whenever I think I voiced my opinion on the matter, I find another thread, and I sincerely think this one is the most factual.
Of course this isn't the priority for the soon future, but just having dwarves require to take a dump now and then, resulting in an unhappy thought if they can't, might be an early workaround.

Stamping other people as "Immature" when they want the logistical challenge of a sewage and waste disposal system is rather intolerant in my view.
I don't know what you think of when you hear about feces, but I see it as a byproduct of digesting various food, it's mostly brown and it stinks, so few like to smell it.
Thats really the only thought I could feasibly come up with if asked on the matter.
As such, if dwarves need to eat, they need to relieve themselves now and then.
Just having all creatures produce feces or similar like spiders should probably produce webs and chickens produce eggs would be a nice basic system with challenges and gains.

If someone wants to drown elves in feces, fine, I don't see that as any worse as drowning them in Water or burning them in magma, the result is pretty much the same.
Only it will probably not even be a fluid, as we have only two right now, and every fluid needs a finite reaction with an other fluid right now, eradicating one of those fuels immediately;
And if it ever is possible this might be a trivial question anyways, like "do you want containers spill booze if submerged in water".

Considering all this possible violence in the game, I can't quite make excrements out as anything specifically bad.
Full support.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 10:18:01 am by UnLimiTeD »

... How long have I been away?

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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #113 on: June 17, 2010, 05:51:11 am »

Full support but Toady said he didn't want it in so don't count on it.

Askot Bokbondeler

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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #114 on: June 17, 2010, 05:55:23 am »

no he didn't. nowhere.


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Re: Would you support adding waste/sewage?
« Reply #115 on: June 17, 2010, 06:13:38 am »

Full support but Toady said he didn't want it in so don't count on it.

Yeah, you need to actually read the thread. Footkerchief pretty much refuted that idea multiple times.
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
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i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (
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