Worldgen Cookbook Thread - Lots of theorycraft/discussion on WG. Quite old, however.
Sorry if I had missed a similar thread, but as far as I (And the search tool) there is no thread for 2010-specific DF WG scripts. Moving on.
Please wrap your scripts in spoiler tags.This thread is for posting/commenting on your favorite world gen scripts, or if you need some specifics in a world, throwing that down and hopefully getting a script back. Discussion/theorycraft on World Generation also welcome. Some important information about would generation below I took from other topics:
Implementing World Gen Scripts1. Go in your dwarf fortress folder and open up the 'Data' folder.
2. Now look for the 'init' folder and open that one.
3. Open the 'world_gen.txt' and replace the data for 'MEDIUM' world with the one in my post. Alternatively you can type in the values within the game UI.
World Gen Z-Level Perams Explained[CAVERN_LAYER_COUNT:3] <- Number of cavern layers present. Each layer is a multi-level cavern system.
[CAVERN_LAYER_OPENNESS_MIN:0] <- Seems to make the open areas bigger with higher (multi z-level) roofs.
[CAVERN_LAYER_PASSAGE_DENSITY_MIN:0] <- Seems to affect the number of passages in the maze-like areas. If set to 100 these areas become just scattered pillars.
[CAVERN_LAYER_WATER_MIN:0] <- Determines min amount of water present in caverns. If set to 100 caverns almost entirely water.
[HAVE_BOTTOM_LAYER_1:1] <- Yes/No, determines whether or not magma layer is present. Forced to Yes if bottom layer is present. If no, levels end abruptly at end of last cavern layer (lot less Z levels).
[HAVE_BOTTOM_LAYER_2:1] <- Yes/No, determines whether or not bottom layer is present. If No, replaced by layers of standard rock (doesn't reduce Z levels). Also determines if adamantine is present in layers above.
[LEVELS_ABOVE_GROUND:15] <- Empty levels above ground (useful for tower construction)
[LEVELS_ABOVE_LAYER_1:5] <- Stone layer before caverns (fort building/mining space before you reach caverns)
[LEVELS_ABOVE_LAYER_2:1] <- Stone layers between cavern layers 1 and 2 (does not affect size of cavern layer itself, can contain connecting tunnels between cavern layers)
[LEVELS_ABOVE_LAYER_3:1] <- Stone layers between cavern layers 2 and 3 (same as above)
[LEVELS_ABOVE_LAYER_4:1] <- Layers between cave layer 3 and magma layer (can contain magma shafts)
[LEVELS_ABOVE_LAYER_5:2] <- molten rock layers between magma lake and bottom layers (contains adamantine shafts, otherwise useless)
[LEVELS_AT_BOTTOM:1] <- number of "fun" layers, containing slade and friendly dwarf-loving critters