Everyone is missing the whole point of open-sourcing and running a seperate server.
For us to run a seperate server, we need complete control over admins, developers or otherwise.
Data, you've had a history of admin abuse, Don't try to deny It, and it seams like half the forum does not want to see you involved in anyway.
If we started our own server, then it would be open-source, but forcing all the traditional developers to be admins is not how most games work.
That being said, at this point, the source has been leaked, you cannot deny that, and although I wouldn't use it myself, there will be people who will.
The way I see it is that you are in almost no position of power. Without your permission I would hope bay12 wouldn't go ahead with a server, but if we do, or someone else does, you honestly can't stop them.
The only way to truely try and prevent this mess is to remove the developer only restriction. Most actual developers will be more then happy to share source back.
If all the source is open, then really the only reason for one person to choose one server over another is a better play-style or enviroment.
Personally, I don't care. I don't really have much of an interest in Cowed, but I feel that some-one has to state this. Now don't go shooting the messenger.
EDIT: sorry if this seams overly hostile, but right now, theres alot of things that could happen in the event that open-sourcing goes ahead, and I don't think many of them are in your favor, but I don't really know what I would do in your position either