Reviewers are giving higher scores and the quality is dropping too, Neoseeker's
Demigod review is a prime example of this (That or they bribed big time, who's even heard of neoseeker anyway?).
Personally, I enjoy older snes games much more than many of the newer games on the market. Developer just put much more thought into their games back then, they didn't try to innovate either, they did what they wanted and didn't care about reception that much. Just look at all the JRPGs, they all play the same, but have different stories and settings. Back then if a dev decided the game he was playing needed an upgrade the whole company would then work together to put something new but similar. They didn't care what others would think. Today, everyone tries to innovate, and games just look like this:
"Oh, I have great idea, I'll make JRPG, FPS hybrid, every few steps or so you would engage in a huge FPS battle which takes at least 20 minutes to complete."
This idea is obviously broken, but no one has ever tried doing something like it. => Uncotrolled innovation usually gives us broken games.
Yes I have played Half Life 2, Bioshock and some of the other wonderful games of the decade, and yes they do look stunning, but I didn't enjoy them as much as I enjoy playing Metroid or Final Fantasy.
tl;dr : I like snes and dos games and don't like the direction games are going.