Shorter one this time.
25 MoonstoneThe avesae came flapping back to the fort, looking worried and begging us for help. One of their horses got stuck in a dried-up pond. Sure, they can show off all they want, but they look like fools when they don't realise horses can't fly!
I'll send someone to help out, if only so they'll stop their chattering. Sissies.
26 MoonstoneThe glassmaker in the dining hall is apparently ready to 'blow our minds'.
The spikes are a nice touch, but the whole thing seems a bit fragile for me to get too excited. It didn't seem to faze him. Nonetheless, we've one less glass furnace in the dining room, which is always a good thing!
14 OpalUrist McDoc says he's getting bored of taking stock of everything in the fortress. He's nearly done counting every rock, though, so he's agreed to finish that before going back to train in the hospital.
7 ObsidianAndreus came to me today to tell me how he'd realised he'd gotten distracted while making the last ≡silver war hammer≡ for the Silver Hammer, and showed me its successor.
16 ObsidianThe minotaurs have come to trade! Such fantastic goods! Among the normal purchases, we managed to acquire:
- a breeding pair of giant olms
- a tame giant cave spider - I'm not sure how tame it really is, so it'll remain in its cage for the time being. Heh. Giant cage spider.
- a naked mole dog
- a giant cave swallow
- a draltha
- an elk bird
I'm thinking of digging out a little cavern to simulate their natural habitat without danger. A petting zoo of subterranean creatures!
- an interesting alcohol called 'sunshine', the likes of which I've never tasted. Swamp whiskey does it for me, but I'm sure this'll be popular. I've bought some seeds and berries for us to try making our own brand of Dwarven Sunshine!
- an unusual combination of axe and hammer. They call it an eothoughsygcaz, which I'm told simply means 'hammer axe'.
- assorted cuts of delicious cave beasts
Never felt anything so soft in my whole life.
They don't talk much more than necessary, but they gave us some tips to defend our 'labyrinth' from the Squashed Monsters, and some info about their recent actions. I was so pleased with the trading that I gave them some of our finest dinners as a parting gift.
21 ObsidianNearly two years, we've been here. Even the most recent arrivals have been here for almost a year. It's really starting to feel like a home, with a [rather extensive] family. This land is truly blessed - it seems no dream is too grand for Whirlrelics.
Current State of the Fort:Expanding. On the left is the military centre, with space for barracks and an armoury. Upstairs are archery ranges, downstairs is the dungeon (which will be relatively pleasant). On the right is a menagerie. The empty space at the bottom will become a grand library and museum.
Starting to be cleared out/populated. Ore stockpile under smelters is full, and the whole magma level is constructed.
Goals:- artificial cave habitat
- refuse system, and butcher/tanner
- {HAPPENING} organise the military better, and get some basic defenses in case goblins show up
- {HAPPENING} workshop/stockpile space
- {HAPPENING} barracks/civic library
- set up remaining cage traps
- {HAPPENING} finish furnishing bedrooms and dig a few more
- finish furnishing dining room
- build the Pillars of Equality - several gigantic stone columns that surround the map. Each one should have a different internal feature and a different external stone colour.
- build a magma pillar (possibly one of the Pillars of Equality), that spurts magma from various holes on its sides
- build a 'password' lever system to flood the world with magma
- build a gigantic, 3D pair of weighing scales out of solid gold
Retro, Miner:
Samwell, Radical:
Urist McDoc, Not Really a Noble:
Oglokoog, Axedwarf:
Urist McCoy, Chief Medical Officer:
Tholtig Aran, Gem Cutter:
The Silver Hammer, Hammerdwarf: