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Author Topic: Echoes of Imperium (4X Strategy Game)[Not Dead]  (Read 36430 times)

Il Palazzo

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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2010, 03:01:17 pm »

We've been talking with Lap a bit about some game mechanics, right now focusing on provinces.
There's a lot of text to read, and I'm honestly hardly able to make it more concise, but I'll try. If you guys want to read this and perhaps give some feedback, then be welcome.

Spoilered for walls of text

1.Province name - that'd require either some random generator/random choice, or simply a number.

2.Terrain - due to large scale, each province shouldn't be defined by a single type of terrain. It seems more reasonable to assign certain percentages, like e.g.: 30% plains, 30% forest, 30% mountains, 10% urban etc.
Exact terrain types and production values are to be determined later.
Terrain could also influence outcome of battles by giving some modifiers to accuracy/morale etc., maybe also the units' vulnerability to orbital bombardment?

There would be no population stat as such, instead we'd go for abstraction and use a provincial stat called "Urbanisation"

Spoiler: 4a.Urbanisation income (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: 4c.More on buildings (click to show/hide)

5.Special resources - Most likely, a simple addition of resource tokens to each/some provinces would do. A province with a given resource would be able to build a corresponding harvesting building type. That's pretty much it for now.
Alternatively, special resources may be tied to exotic terrain types on non-standard planets.

Spoiler: 6a.Provincial storage (click to show/hide)

Note on size: All of the above rules assume that every province is made in such a fashion as to represent the more or less same area. No other factor is used for defining provincial borders - no income, political dependencies etc. Only size matters(oh the pun, dear me).

Lap is presently against the following idea. I'm going to post it anyway so you can give us some feedback, if you care.

With regard to graphics representation of provinces, I just wanted to add that(providing these rules do make it into the game), a mechanism for slowly turning the original terrain art into massively built-up one, to reflect growing urbanisation, would be pretty awesome. I can't imagine how could it be done programming-wise, but I'm just a layman.


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2010, 03:52:26 pm »

Most of that sounds good, but I would like to know what Lap's objection to the naval concepts is?

E. Albright

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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2010, 04:18:11 pm »

2.Terrain - due to large scale, each province shouldn't be defined by a single type of terrain. It seems more reasonable to assign certain percentages, like e.g.: 30% plains, 30% forest, 30% mountains, 10% urban etc.
Exact terrain types and production values are to be determined later.
Terrain could also influence outcome of battles by giving some modifiers to accuracy/morale etc., maybe also the units' vulnerability to orbital bombardment?

It probably ought to figure in on all these things, but the foremost thing it should affect is concealment.

Due to space and time scale considerations, there should be a single one per planet, varying in some abstract "size" depending on the planet type. The size could simply mean that it borders more or less of land provinces.

So ""ocean" gets treated much like "orbit" in EFS? There are definitely points in favor of this, mostly in terms of reduced micromanagement and a general increase in desirability of shipbuilding. It'd make it a lot easier to do the resource-shipping-vs-raiding calculations discussed above as well. But I see some problems.

First, having but one sea province means we can't do anything like seaborne facilities in EFS (those only being Wells in vanilla). This can be viewed as a good thing, but I personally am against it.

Second, and frankly far more troublesome, what of aircraft in all this? Are aircraft to be unable to affect shipping unless carrier-based? And what will treating all water as a single area do to determining strike range for aircraft? Would coastal provinces need to have "nearby" province links defined across water to facilitate this?

Third, if we have large ocean provinces, do we mind that ships can bombard/land on coasts on opposite sides of the map from one turn to the next?

Finally, what of fleet-to-fleet (or sub-to-fleet) actions? Do we just specify aggressiveness of each class of ships, and randomize whether and how many ships fight based on class, spotting, etc.? Give them specific menu-based orders (e.g., Hunt Subs, Engage Fleets, Commerce Raid, Defend Convoys, Patrol, Coastal Bombardment, etc.)?

Il Palazzo

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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2010, 05:02:29 pm »

Most of that sounds good, but I would like to know what Lap's objection to the naval concepts is?
As I've tried to answered some of Lap's previous objectons in my last correspondence, we'd rather need to wait for him to declare what he thinks now.

Actually, I forgot to add, that there could in fact be more than one sea provinces - in the case of inland seas. Each would have access to different set of land provinces.

@E.Albright: (not exactly in order of being asked)
Since I'm imaging the turn to take a year(half a year?) of game's time, which to scale would be enough to move into, conquer and pacify one whole province, or move a space ship from a planetary surface to another star system, it is feasible to assume that a navy can easily circumnavigate the globe and conduct amphibious assault on the other side of the world, so to speak.

Building off-shore drilling facilities could still be done. Simply all players would build in the same sea province, with ability to try and destroy enemy sea-borne constructions with their fleets or orbital bombardment.
But all in all, each sea province would act as global pool for oil drilling(kelp farming maybe) etc.

I havent given any thoughts to aircraft operations yet. I can only assume that due to scale considerations, it would be highly abstracted as well. I can see though how the uneven area of sea and land provinces might pose a problem with regard to range calculations. Perhaps some "fake" additional sea provinces could be introduced - invisible for all purposes apart from range calculations.

About fleet operations, yes, I was thinking of a set of general orders that a player would give to his fleet.
Rather than going ship-by-ship(unless really needed) it could be an order for the whole fleet(i.e. engage enemy forces, destroy enemy facilities, raid convoys etc.).
I'm all for abstraction in this field, as it never really seemed that important in EoFS. I don't think it'd be that much important here neither, as there's always an option of simply launching a space assault, making most of the navy fluff redundant.

A good counter idea would be of course welcome.


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2010, 06:09:32 pm »

I don't think it's a good idea to overly abstract the sea, because that's removing a lot of flexibility. Each sea could be divided in several large provinces, which could be patrolled with ships. Feels more in line with the way normal provinces work, and as a bonus we can do some tricks like aquatic structures and ruins.

The problem with ships in EFS was of course that it was mainly for transports and you could do that better with assault landers. Instead I think that ships should be the prime candidate for artillery support and carriers should be useful as makeshift airports for an all-out assault. To facilitate this, some if not all transports should be able to drop ships on sea squares. The advantages are apparent: sea squares are rarely defended by shields, anti-air doesn't always reach to the high seas and if you manage to strike a decisive blow against the opponents navy in a certain area you can easily engage enemies from sea-born landing sites.
To counteract this, ships have a high movement speed, meaning one can usually respond to sea drops within a single turn. Besides that, sea dropping is much harder (involving amongst others hovering only a few meters above rough sea using thrusters only), meaning that most assault transports can only do a single drop and heavy transports need special equipment (sea-born launch pads) to safely land and transfer troops. Also, any lander damaged heavely over sea will lose it's cargo with no chance of it finding refuge on the ground and any sea transports that are damaged heavely or destroyed will lose anything they are carying.

On the topic of aircrafts
With turns taking a year each, it makes little sense to have aircraft confined within a certain province. Therefor I propose that aircraft can operate within their radius away from any province you have. So if an aircraft can move 500 miles from a province you own, it can go 500 miles from any province you own (providing the aircraft can reach it). Normal aircraft have a limited range, while orbital fighters and bombers can go anywhere (though they'll get squashed if there are heavy spaceships orbiting). Aircraft don't attack or defend like ground units (I'll detail my ideas for ship combat later on). Instead they take assignments. Fighters could be set to "Defend airspace", "Escort Bombers" or "Clear airspace". Bombers are usually assigned to "Bombing", though they could also have "Air Support".
-Defend Airspace: Fighters will engage any enemy aircraft and spacecraft trying to enter your airspace (which includes, in the absence of border conflicts, all your provinces and all provinces bordering them. If those provinces fall within the airspace of someone else, they won't enter it unless you toggle "Enter enemy airspace" as well).
-Escort Bombers: Will try to defend bombers on bombing runs from enemy fighters.
-Clear Airspace: Will engage any aircraft or landing spacecraft within it's range. Useful for preparing further landings or bombing runs, but beware of AA guns. (This has no toggle for "enter enemy airspace, since that's the whole point)
-Bombing: These aircraft will be available when selecting squads for bombing a province (along side of all spacecraft with anti-ground capacities, and any ships and artillery pieces within range). Note that you can also select bombers with Air Support set for this, but they'll appear in a different colour to indicate you want to reserve them in case the enemy tries something funny. Bombers can only bomb a single province unless stated otherwise.*
-Air Support: will stand by for any ground or sea conflict. Whenever either of those forces engages, the bombers will come and help your units (or friendly units, if you togle "aid friendly units" when selecting air support). When you're attacking you get to chose what bombers will aid in the attack, if you're deffending, anyone with the Air Support role will help. There's no limit to the amount of air support runs an aircraft can engage in, as long as it hasn't bombed a province.

*Bringing down a province requires a whole bombing campaign, not just a single run.

On the topic of sea ships
As said, I think it's a good idea to have sea provinces, but ships should be so fast they can easily traverse a whole planet by sea. So how do you work with them? Well, they can be moved by hand, which is useful for transports or blockades, but they also have orders similar to aircraft. Those are:
-Defend territorial waters: Territorial waters are all water provinces bordering a province you control. Toggling this for a fleet will make them patrol along the shores and engage anyone trying to enter or land in your territorial waters. Again, they won't enter territorial waters unless you toggle the appropriate option.
-Sweep seas: The fleet will engage anything spotted in sea provinces that shouldn't be there. The ideal settings to defend against sea drops and to engage transports.
-Seaborne Support: Will fire artillery shells on anyone engaged in conflict with your units. Works the same as the air support setting for bombers. Appears in a different colour when selecting units for artillery operations.
-Artillery: Same as bombers set to bombing. Will appear as normal in the artillery screen.

on the topic of artillery
Artillery engagements are pretty simple. You select a province to bomb and press the artillery button. You'll then be presented with a list of units capable of bombing the province, from which you can pick and chose the ones you need (including bombers, ships, land-borne artillery and spaceships capable of attacking ground units). They will spend their entire turn lobbing bombs at the province. When bombing a province, the effects will depend on the type of units, as outlined in the post 3 posts up if I recall correctly. They'll also damage units in the province, so the placement of ships and aircraft can in fact matter.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 06:22:14 pm by Virex »

E. Albright

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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2010, 06:43:29 pm »

Your proposed aircraft taxonomy forgets that much-beloved old standby, the gunship (and its poor cousin, the divebomber). Those should be able to do air support but not strategic bombing.

While on the subject of gunships and the like, it'd probably be worth mentioning that aircraft really shouldn't be limited to only providing support against naval units; they should be able to directly engage them in the absence of supporting naval elements, though this is an area where a single global sea province starts looking kinda funny.

I do favor having the option of scrambling aircraft to intercept spaceships attempting landings in their range. That's a nasty little bit that'd help make sure air power won't become a distracting sidenote.


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #36 on: May 13, 2010, 06:53:33 pm »

I knew I had forgotten something. Yeah, gunships and divebombers should work as bombers without bombing capacity, and torpedo bombers should only damage ships when bombing (though for awefull damage to balance it out)

Directly engaging fleets is partially wrapped up in normal bombing, though I guess a patrol order and a search and destroy order for bomber-type aircrafts wouldn't be out of order. Those orders'd behave similar to the defend airspace and air superiority settings.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 06:57:10 pm by Virex »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2010, 09:01:12 pm »

I know almost next to nothing about game design, so of course I am gonna jump into this and try to help .
Is there a steam/Google/whatever group open to working on this.

I have actively participated in making one game and have observed many more being produced as part of being an anthropology student.

If I can help I would love to, if my lack of applicable skills, school is getting out and I need a project.
Thank you based dwarf.


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2010, 11:03:06 pm »

yo Lap,

sorry for not getting back sooner. I've been working on my new roguelike like a dwarf in a fey mood and forgot what day it was. so I put a good 6 hours into the editor today and I hope to have something tomorrow for you to put the red ink pen to. (I've been following yr xml spec and should have a first draft).

I took a break to watch the celtics mop labron & the labronettes and now i'm back to coding after a few jars of liquid refreshment.

I'm just trying tonight to get the xml to export correctly....



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2010, 07:04:04 pm »

Is there a steam/Google/whatever group open to working on this.

I have actively participated in making one game and have observed many more being produced as part of being an anthropology student.

If I can help I would love to, if my lack of applicable skills, school is getting out and I need a project.

Oh boy, do I get to be referred to in your anthropological study as "The Alpha Male"?

There's no steam group yet, but I have a folder on Google docs that contributors can freely add ideas and comments to. I should probably get some sort of group up, but a name probably needs to be settled on at some point prior. No experience necessary, this game is broad enough that there are always ways for people to help.

sorry for not getting back sooner. I've been working on my new roguelike like a dwarf in a fey mood and forgot what day it was.

No problem. I know exactly what that is like, not to mention you are under no obligations to me. No need to rush.

I just finished coding in a system where resources are kept locally in the province they are produced, but are automatically available to all connected provinces. So if you own a chain or provinces and they are connected together, any province in the chain has access to all the resources. This should give some sense of supply, without making to much annoying micromanagement.

The hard part is going to be coding which specific provinces are the ones to lose the resources when a building in the chain needs them.

I've been doing a lot of talk with Il Palazzo on terrain and resources so I'm going to continue focusing on map movement, terrain types, and resources for now.

Here are a few other topics that have come up in one way or another:


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Naval transports
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Support Attack and Defense
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Unit Stacking
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Aircraft Missions
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

On another note, I just got an email from dephbokks containing a working map editor. Quite an impressive feat to have one so quickly.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 07:35:42 pm by Lap »


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2010, 08:11:28 am »

Haven't had a lot of time to work on stuff, been pretty busy the last couple of days at work. :(


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2010, 10:34:39 am »

Hell yes, Heroic tank brigades. Any combat land or space unit should have heroic potential.
this sigtext was furiously out-of-date and has been jettisoned


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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2010, 04:57:31 pm »

I agree. I want my heroic divebombers pounding down on orbitting battleships NAO!

I sugest that a brigade could attain Heroic status only if it managed to do something realy outstanding and it should have little to no relation to experience. What that equates to in gameplay terms is probably that whenever a group manages to deal far mor damage then it should/destroy far more opponents then it should/beats impossible odds somehow. Different insignias could be attained (and perhaps players could make their own insignias). It would be extra cool if certain insignias would get known troughout the whole empire (The Blazing Wolves have been nominated Guardians of the Empire by the Emperor himself. Praise the house of Mintrix and the Blazing Wolves. Praise the Emperor!).
As for the bonuses given by heroes, first of all a prominent bonus to the morale of anyone fighting with them and maybe other bonuses as well.

Something I was thinking about is that if something shocling would happen, such as a direct attack on imperial holdings, or a full-scale invasion of an important planet by the mutants (or another big bad), then the heroes could be called to the defence. This however might prove to be too much of a chore to actualy work.

As for generals, would it be an idea to draft them from the active forces? Doing so would reduce the experience of the group, but it would create a general with characteristics depending on the group you drafted him from. The reverse could also be possible, attaching generals to groups, to improve their skills (this might prove to be too much micro-management to be worth it though).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2010, 09:09:15 pm »

Alright the main issue I'm dealing with now is that of terrain types. More specifically how to represent them and how complex they should be.

Terrain Types

Here's the issue:

Each province needs a terrain type. Terrain types will determine the base amount of resources a province gets as well as any combat and travel penalties there might be.

Considering how big some provinces might be (some might be the size of Europe or larger) it is a huge oversimplification to just pick one terrain type to judge such a large space. So the solutions to this are either to break the provinces into smaller pieces so having a single terrain makes sense, or to allow some sort of more complex terrain system. Breaking provinces down into smaller parts makes planet management more time consuming and overall causes the entire game to bog down under it's own epic scope. I'd like to avoid having too many provinces so I need to determine some different terrain system.

Option 1: Each province has only one type of terrain (forest,jungle,desert,tundra, plains, hills, swamp)

Option 2: Each province has a primary terrain type, with an optional second type that has less of an impact.

Option 3: Each province has only one to three types of terrain which average together equally.

Option 4: Provinces can have any number of terrains, represented by percentages (forest- 40% plains 20% hills 20% mountain 10% swamp 10%)

Option 5: Is there something I haven't thought of???

The more complex the terrain system gets the harder it becomes for the player to interpret. How do they look at a province and quickly understand it?

I don't think the average player would be able to see a province that is 20% forest 20% plains 20% swamp 20% mountain 20% hills and understand what that would mean for troops fighting there or for production buildings there. This would probably mean there would need to be some sort of adviser that tells the player "This place is good for farming, bad for mining, and above average for energy" or something along those lines.

With a purely percentage based terrain system I can't think of a better way to represent the provinces than by having the player manually inspect every province and then look at some bar graph or pie chart that pops up in a window. This increases the feeling that you are playing a spreadsheet and is generally a bad thing to do.


The current idea is for cities to be represented by a level of urbanization. The more buildings in an area, the higher the urbanization. This urbanization increases tax revenue, but decreases resource harvesting. It hasn't been decided yet if urbanization will be a separate stat on a province or if terrain percentages will slowly convert to an urban type.

The problem with conversion is that it very hard for me to represent dynamically changing terrain with a static map. This is mainly because breaking up provinces into individual pictures to display is a huge bitch to do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions + Dune (An open source multiplayer strategy game)
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2010, 10:12:36 pm »

This might be kinnda confusing but what if terrain type had to do with the boarders of Provence's  for example if you went through a province via the top it would count as grassland, however if you entered from the bottom it could count as a swamp. However I am not sure how to calculate the value of the province as a whole, nor how to graphically represent this
Thank you based dwarf.
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