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Author Topic: Temporal Anomaly: I've got a baaaaad feeling about this  (Read 27357 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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I'd rather not hang on to APO like a compulsive girlfriend.

>Check the status of the world. Importantly, it's general features, thriving civilizations, nearest restrooms, and it's immigration protocol.
While talking to AJ:
In college I studied the teachings of Socrates and Aeropostale


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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also: "By the way, are you turing computable? With all the time travel tech at youer disposal why do you even have subjective time or a finite age?"
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Ah, it seems we have achieved a situation where we are in no immediate danger.

>Mess with ship controls. Try to get the hang of piloting this thing, just in case we get to keep it.

>Also mess with wristpad.

>Looking up some information about this station would be nice.
You look down at the ship's control panel, a dizzying mass of lights and switches with hovering selection screens and graphs. The wristpad displays the names of each control and you can't even spell 3/4 of them, let alone know what they do. You're not sure its the best idea to randomly press any of them. Instead you decide to fiddle with the wristpad, scanning through it's various menus and settings. There are many different functions such as Map, scan, enhance vision, notepad, computer interface, and quantum clock.

I'd rather not hang on to APO like a compulsive girlfriend.

>Check the status of the world. Importantly, it's general features, thriving civilizations, nearest restrooms, and it's immigration protocol.

Using the wristpad you bring up information on the colony:
DSC 4346 "Sirius"
Purpose:WFE R&D
Recommended crew: 400
Current crew: 0
Life support: Functioning at 97% capacity
Area:113040000 km2


  • Bay Watcher
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Awesome, no line for the restrooms!

While talking to AJ:
In college I studied the teachings of Socrates and Aeropostale


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Yes, and nobody to try to kill you! I assume APO is controling this thing?

> Land, find big amounts of flesh for self improvement and parts for APO to build you things. Live there in peace for several millennia to learn all sorts of things and improve yourself in a montage, before continuing to adventure.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile We're gonna need a montage!

But no really, this thing's a screaming bloody death trap like everything else, although the assassins may be thrown off by the time traveling.

Do any players have a general goal they want? I'm still aiming to turn Reg into a Hulking rat-beast-friend
While talking to AJ:
In college I studied the teachings of Socrates and Aeropostale


  • Bay Watcher
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You select the land command on the ship's display and it begins to drift toward the station, carefully positioning itself to land inside one of the massive exposed hangars. With a quiet hum it connects to the station, an umbilical line connecting the hatch to the station itself. You squeeze back through the ship and out the hanger, walking along the sterile, nearly blindingly white umbilical corridor before entering the station proper. The first room appears to be a security checkpoint, with several turnstiles and what look like inoperative automated turrets. There is a large booth to the left with what looks like a control panel and several weapons mounted on the wall. A blast door seals the security room from the rest of the station.


  • Bay Watcher
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>Use the armband as security validation.
While talking to AJ:
In college I studied the teachings of Socrates and Aeropostale


  • Bay Watcher
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You walk up to one of the turnstiles and attempt to pass by scanning your wristpad over a recessed optical device on the top. The turnstile buzzes and doesn't budge. Beyond it the blast door remains unmoved.


  • Bay Watcher
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Eat your hand
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Eat your hand
You bite your hand. Ow. Why did you do that?


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm okay with this. I'm okay with a lot of things.
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>go booth

>examine control panel

>examine weapons

And yeah, this is totally going to be a death trap. It might look peaceful at first, just like all the other places we've appeared to, but then there will be a war or an assassin or a gravitation well to shatter our dreams of retiring as a farmer.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'd say if it was an optics scanner, meaning eyes, it would instantly ID you as an assassination target. With guns pointed behind us.

>Any pictures of people on the walls, or images of employees laying around? We could shift our eyes to look like theirs.
While talking to AJ:
In college I studied the teachings of Socrates and Aeropostale


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm okay with this. I'm okay with a lot of things.
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>Examine surroundings in general. Those gun turrets kind of creep me out. Are there any subtle details we missed at a cursory glance?


  • Bay Watcher
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The room is rather large, 25 foot wide and 10 tall. It is constructed out of the same sterile, white metal as the rest of the station and glows brightly in the powerful light which comes from an unseen source. There are 4 turnstiles, each with a small scanning device on its rear, upper region. There are two turrets hanging from the ceiling, suspended by what looks like a robotic limb. The weapon on the turret looks like a overly large, sawn-off rifle and has an ammunition belt running through a clear tube along the arm. The booth to the left is basically just a highly reinforced cubical, 3 and a half steel walls with no windows. The control panel within it has several blank video screens and there are 3 guns in the cubical, hanging from a rack. The room is otherwise free of all debris and heated to a roughly comfortable temperature.
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