One step at a time. That would be like running into a militarized version of Da Pope's land and shouting 'I am your overlord! Fear my flesh-exploding abilities!' We would have more redneck terrorists trying to kill us than the crazed Commies
We could quite easily make an army of super soldiers, just by crafting one person into another. These people seem pretty vicious as it is. Although, we SHOULD probably lay low.
Okay, so there's a clean up operation going on in the city, I'd say.
>Put Reginald in something safe / bullet proof with air holes in, or modify his body (shouldn't be too hard / too much using a tiny bit of our fat reserves) to be able to survive bashing about. Preferably both. I like our mouse pet.
>Get something we could smash someone's skull in (a metal pipe or something) from the surrounding area or the basement / boiler room.
>Hunt down the people with guns and absorb some of their biomatter into making us stronger / with lungs more capable of absorbing oxygen from the air / our heart able to beat blood faster around our body without us collapsing. (In reverse order.)
>Try not to kill innocents, as a general thing, but if they've got guns just take them out / incapacitate them. We can resolve anything else later.
Oh, and...
>Be stealthy and try and stay hidden.
These might be a bit long term, but do the first two at least.
Stairway towards the middle of the place or on an edge?
>If your screwdriver is still available, unscrew a layer of a steel shelf for an improv shield.
And this. Steel shelf would work as a weapon, too.