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Author Topic: Dramatic Space Adventure RTD! (Turn 20, Moved to The Agora)  (Read 41137 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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First a bit of stuff you should know before joining...
This is my first RTD and I'm not exactly sure about the rule(No direct source available), So I filled out the empty space with rules devised and balanced by myself, I'm open to suggestions.
English is my secondary language, although I am quite capable in understanding it(through reading), I am not very proficient in writing it, feel free to point out mistakes and odditys. this is also going to be quite a bit of exercise to me :)
Also there's a bit trouble with time zone: I'm at +8, roll time will be adjusted accordingly.
I will try to maintain at least 2 days per turn, better be 1 day per turn if I can make it.
Warning: Huge block of text

Spoiler: Background (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rules (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Character creation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rule Addendum 1.1.3 (click to show/hide)

Additional Backgrounds

Operations/Security, Command/First Officer:Flintus10
Operations/Engineering:Nirur Torir

Waiting list:
nuker w
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 11:24:23 am by NoctisVampire »


  • Bay Watcher
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IN as capitain, posting details

Name: Batista (for simplicity's sake)
Race: Hundgaar (Humanoid, slightly stronger)
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Appearance: Average Height, Fit, Red hair and eyes
Special Ability/Adventage: Natural leader ( +1 when interacting with his crew)
Disadventage: Mourner (I will get a penalty for some turns when one of my teamates dies, I will let you decide the penalty and the number of turns)
Profession: Capitain
Crew Commanding (Making them work together for better results)
Firearms user (Will I get a penalty here? I think this has to be a requirement for a commander)
Fast learner (bonus when training)
Fast thinker (+1 when under pressure)
Strategist (Bonus in fighting if it has been planed beforehand)
Diplomacy (Social)
Intimidation (Social)
Background: Classified. Clearance level X7 required. Some people say that he was promoted to capitain after playing a key role in winning the last war.

Can I get a list of everyone on board and their jobs?
Also a description of the ship?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 12:41:48 pm by Batista »


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In as Medical

Name: Faden
Race: Denedani, a bipedal avian race, taller than a human when standing as tall as possible. For the body configuration/proportions, think of a heron. They can grasp with both their wing-arms and their feet, but their wing-arms have more precision. They are brightly colored.
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Profession: Medical
Appearance: Faden's feathers are primarily gold and deep blue, but most colors are represented in small quantities. Faden trims her wing feathers so that she can work without them getting in the way, but as a result cannot fly.
Advantage: Bookworm (Statistical advantage when learning from books)
Disadvantage: Highly visible (+1 or -1 to stealthy actions)
First Aid
Alien Medicine
Medical Treatment
Fitness Program
Counseling (Social skill.)
Fast Talk (Social skill.)
Departmental Command (Command skill.)
Background: After leaving the university, Faden spent several years volunteering at free clinics on various underdeveloped worlds before she signed up for the CNF. The most relevant reason to her decision to join CNF was a lack of funds, until now she had been living off of funds from her parents.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 07:09:53 pm by Faden »


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In as Tactical, details to come.
The corpses appear to be primarily concentrated under the dead cat.  - Untelligent
Mental Health 6/6. You easily comfort yourself knowing that Paranatural's Hot Stubble And Deliciously Unwashed Armpits will be  waiting for you whatever happens.

Nirur Torir

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Name: Nirur Torir
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: He is short and "stoutly built." He hates being called fat. He wears his brown hair in a ponytail.
Special Ability/Advantage: Engineering Aptitude
Disadvantage: Terrible accuracy with hand weapons.
Profession: Head of Operations/Engineering department
Skills: Power Management (Knowing how far a reactor can be pushed to generate more power), Power Systems Repairs, Damage Control, Emergency Repairs, Morale Management, Counseling, and Persuasion.

Background: Nirur is a fairly recent graduate from fleet school. When he was a child, his role model was Frederick, a teenager who lived next door. Ever since Frederick became a fleet officer, Nirur had dreamed of his own command.
In fleet school, he scored excellent marks on his engineering tests, but barely passed his personal combat training. After graduating, he was dismayed that his girth prevented him from passing the physical tests. He spent the next several months working at a fleet dock, where he gained experience building and repairing ships, rapidly being promoted to a team leader due to his skills, and eventually becoming the leader of an entire shift. He continued exercising, and passed the fleet's physical aptitude tests on his second try.
With the skills he learned in the dock, and with recommendation of Frederick, an experienced captain by this point, he was granted the position as head of the engineering on this starship. He now eagerly awaits his chance to prove himself.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 12:49:38 pm by Nirur Torir »


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Might be interesting, I'll be in as science :)

Details to come though.

Also, NoctisVampire, your english is very good, so I wouldn't worry too much about it, but good to know that it isn't your first langiage. I don't really get the travel rolls thing, but I guess I'll just go along with it.

Name: smjjames (for simplicitys sake, and as an insectoid species, the name wouldn't write well into english)

Species: Ki'scri'caa. An arthropod species which has eight limbs (lower two pairs are walking limbs, the upper two are manipulatory), vaguely resembles a cross between a mantis and a scorpion and an antman, and is about the height of a typical human. Also, their respiratory system evolved in a similar way as mammals, that is, they have the equivalent of lungs and are able to hold their breath.

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Appearance: (see above for general physical appearance) A light metallic blue carapace with dark green mottling on the back, has distinctive lighter green striping and spots on the face which are used for individual identification, every pattern is unique. The upper pair of limbs roughly resemble a humans in function, except they have four claws total, two are the equivalent of fingers and two (one on either side of the hand) function as thumbs)

Special Ability: Natural multitasker (has four arms and hands, and so could do two things at once or do something quickly)

Disadvantages: Being a cold blooded species, he has problems in cold environments without special clothing, as such, he prefers ambient temperatures of at least 90 degrees fahrenheight (don't know the number in celcius, sorry), but can handle standard temperatures (75 degrees probably) quite well with a simpler heating garment under the crew outfit. Its when the temperature drops below 60 that he begins to slow down without protection, eventually going into torpor around 40 degrees. So, some sort of penalty in cold climates?

Xenobiology (encompasses both alien and terran biology)
Scanner (science) (kind of neccesary for this)
Chemistry (goes in hand with biology)
melee combat (maybe a bonus because of natural multitasking?)
departmental command
instrument repair in the field (hailing from a rugged frontier colony world, he had to repair stuff right there in the feild, sometimes with limited or unavailble supplies)
logical and analytical thinking (social, I guess?)

Background: Hailing from a Ki'scri'caa frontier colony world, he started his career in science quite early as was his interest, so he has gotten used to working in rugged terrain. However, despite the opportunities right there on his birthworld, he was well aware of the outside universe and when he came of age, signed up for the CNF. Its been a couple of years since he graduated from the academy, so this is probably his second or third assignment.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 02:46:40 pm by smjjames »


  • Bay Watcher
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What exactly does Tactical mean, then? Like, space combat?
The corpses appear to be primarily concentrated under the dead cat.  - Untelligent
Mental Health 6/6. You easily comfort yourself knowing that Paranatural's Hot Stubble And Deliciously Unwashed Armpits will be  waiting for you whatever happens.


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What exactly does Tactical mean, then? Like, space combat?

Yea, also sensor stuff I guess.


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In as security.


Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: Tall and well built from heavy training. Has dark clean cut hair and green eyes.

Special ability: Athletic, Good with lower crew members.

Disadvantage: Inexperienced, Mistrusted by higher ranking officers.

Melee Combat
Small arms
Security System
Martial Arts
Departmental command

Background: Having grown up in a lower-middle class family star ship command was not a likely option for Flint when he was growing up but like many other children he was raised on stories of the exploits of CNF heroes and he quickly set his sights. Flint doesn't often talk about how he managed to get into the academy or the inquiry that was ordered relating to it but regardless there was not enough evidence to press charges unfortunately Flint still carries this blemish on his report. Life in the academy was easy enough Flint had trained his body to peak athleticism and was a naturally talented shooter. The academic side provided more of a challenge but Flint worked hard and passed with an impressive record showing excellent talent in his martial skills and was placed on security.
Flint has served on one ship and his relatively lower class upbringing saw him get along very well with the other crew members. Of course the questionable way he was able to get into the academy in the first place saw tensions between him and his officers however nothing too drastic ever came to pass. And excellent repour with crew members as well as a heroic performance in one of only two instances of space combat saw Flint promoted and he was sent back to Earth ready for his new posting.   


« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 07:24:14 pm by Flintus10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Looks like all the other positions are taken, so I'm in as navigation. Will post a sheet soon. :)

nuker w

  • Bay Watcher
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If you guys ever get a free position up, give me a PM and i'd be keen to join


  • Bay Watcher
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Here you go.

Name: Nimitz

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Profession: Helmsman

Appearance: He is of average height for a human, and has a slim build. He is bald, his skin tone is light and his eyes are of a serious brown color.

Advantage(s): Expert pilot, Social (prefers to know his crew personally and keep relations warm. On a side note, he is fascinated with aliens)

Disadvantage(s): Emotional (In the sense that if crew members are injured/KIA, or if they fail a critical objective, it will affect his performance and mood negatively. If stressed enough, counseling is recommended to ensure that he remains fit for duty)

Skills: Starship Maneuvering
Hyper-light Flight
Stellar Cartography
Emergency Maneuvers
Concentration (Once he has his mind set on a goal, his attention will not be easily diverted. This can allow him to accomplish tasks requiring precision and focus with less difficulty, but this may also prevent him from noticing negative factors in the situation, like system malfunctions and such)
Small Arms (Hey, you never know)

Background: Nimitz was born on humanity's homeworld, Earth, in the nation known as United America. After attending college for a few years, he decided to enlist in the Confederate Navy. At first, the harsh, no-nonsense lifestyle of the military was a bit difficult for Nimitz to get used to, but as time went on, he began showing potential to be a fine helmsman. At the end of training, he was among the top graduates, and got his officer's commission. Nimitz's first tour of duty will be spent on-board Captain Batista's ship, and he can't wait to get started.

(Does the ship have a name?)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 11:39:26 am by Nimitz »


  • Bay Watcher
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This is what I got now...more coming later.
Just got back from a picnic with my parents and relatives, and processed 3 character sheet and made some rule addendum:
Some of you are quite lucky it seems :D
More character sheets and ship detail coming later.

Spoiler: Rule Addendum (click to show/hide)

Batista: Yes, Captains don't have penalty on skill roll at character creation...actually they have a +1 roll on command skills, prepare your pep talk! Ship and crew detail coming later.
Also you may have to revise some of your skills.
Spoiler: Batista (click to show/hide)

Good creativity on your race :)
Spoiler: Faden (click to show/hide)

Operations/Engineering:Nirur Torir
[Very good luck...other than social skills...And I assure you all that profession skills will have good use aboard this ship, and good luck with that(hint hint).]
[You can add one more profession skills...sorry for unclear rules.]
Spoiler: Nirur Torir (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 08:22:53 am by NoctisVampire »


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I'll warn you now that I plan on sleeping soon so sorry if that slows the beginning down.


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I say we need more aliens! But ah well, at least the captain is alien.

Oh yea, since the species that I made for my character has humanoid-like hands, he would be able to handle most equipment designed for humanoids.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 08:50:57 am by smjjames »
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