Turn 5: Mini Boss!!
i play a fearsome song to make the pig run away, and then i CHOP THE KING BULBIN'S HEAD OFF.
6) you play a very fearsome song, making the pig quiver in fear, but you can't seem to stop playing...
+5 FlutingKill the pig in a nasty way
5) with nice background music, you charge the pig on foot. 4) intent on making it's demise very inhumane you stab at its mouth 2) and your sword is rammed down its throat, doing massive damage
Pig= 2/5 hearts. suddenly, you're pulled away, bringing your sword with you
Pig= 1/5 hearts. you land on your butt.
+4 swordsmanship
+4 speedI hookshot big boy off his pig, then sword at him a few times.
3) you miss King bulbin by a mile, instead getting Batista, pulling him out of the way just in time before King bulbin's lance comes down.
+6 hookshotting (I forgot to add skill first time) amatuer hookshotter gained!!I kill more standard enemies, only going after the boar-rider if he is the last one.
6) you set your sights on King bulbin, kick up your horse and charge 6) swinging your sword aimlessly 6) and miss, falling out of your saddle and onto the ground
3.25 hearts. at least you didn't land on your sword.
+1 swordsmanship
+2 horse riding*Nocks arrows and lets fly, hoping and praying they'll fly true.*
(Order of target priority. Just pick first on the list to be my target, unless they're dead.-> Bulbin archer, Normal bulbins, King Bulbin's mount, King Bulbin)
*Have my fairy heal me, then Toaster.*
6) you nock three more arrows, aiming for the archer and praying to the goddesses. you are determined to kill him despite his armor. you let them fly. 5) all three striking him in the head 1) and make him dissappear, apparantly not having any head gear.
+5 archeryFairy (no name yet)= heal paulus and toaster. 1) She healspaulus's hearts before collapsing, but doesn't have any energy left and begins to fly a bit lower.
Paulus: 5/5 heartsKing Bulbin= swipe at Batista. 3) batista is pulled out of the way before your strike hits.