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Author Topic: Godhood I Play Thread  (Read 75897 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #480 on: May 26, 2010, 06:31:18 am »

Quôth thought for a moment

I could give you copies of my notes on the effects of various illnesses on different lifeforms and sentient beings, although that might fill an own wing of your library and for a simple visit this might prove a high price. I hope you are content with this...

The God of Decay conjures up a tome, several thousand pages thick, bound in the skin of an unfortunate human afflicted with the particular disease which is treated in the tome. The greenish putrid skin seems to be covered with lilac boils threatening to break open at any moment. The title, "The Arkosian Rot-a disquisition on transmission, symptoms and possible therapies for humans and associated humanoid species", seems to be burned into the skin.

I would rather wear some glovse if you want to touch this tome, i don't know in what ways this illness might be transmitted to your race and how it would afflict you, if it does at all, and it might be...unconvienient for you to be infected with it by just touching the cover...



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Re: Godhood
« Reply #481 on: May 26, 2010, 07:28:44 am »

The librarian takes you book, a bit disgusted by the materials, but grateful nonetheless.

"Thank you. And do not worry about me, we librarians have no physical form, we merely project the illusion of having a body."
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.

ed boy

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Re: Godhood
« Reply #482 on: May 26, 2010, 09:51:23 am »

Observe, respond.
Ship, morai. Unimportant.
Palad'in, minions. Unimportant.
Natus, spire. Observe.
Astra'ath, minions. Danger, observe.
Coradin, minions. Noteworthy.
Gheronaton, minions. Noteworthy.
Satae, constellations. Observe.
Satae, dimension. Noteworthy.
Coradin, palace. Noteworthy.
Gods, arrive. analyze.
     Quoth. Disease/decay. some bond potential.
     Maquines. Arts/tales. some bond potential.
     Tarn. Duality/opposition. Unpredictability. little bond potential.
Dragnar, Ozymi. Noteworthy.
Luna, gate. Noteworthy.
Gheronaton, minions. Noteworthy.
Maquines, savoia. Observe.
Chained one, minions. Observe.
Coradin, valkyries. observe.
Coradin, muses. Noteworthy.
Quoth, astra'ath. Dealings/consorting. avoid bond.
Scolars, teach. Unimportant.
Palad'in, orcs. Observe.
Maquines, astra'ath. potential bond. action imperative.

Next to Maquines and the nightgaunt, a new presence shimmers into being. Spherical, transparent and ghostly, it alternates between communicating in an abrupt, flat tone and in a passionate, melodious voice. Its color changes to reflect the different speakers.

Query to Maquines
Danger, warning.
We see that you have been dealing with this... thing. This is a most unwise course of action. It corrupts all that it encounters, twisting that which is right and pure to its own ways. You are a young god, not yet fully informed in the ways of this universe to make your decisions. We offer our services in this regard.
Logic, guidance. Bond.
We are beings of great intellect and analysis. We have studied the ways of this universe and we have seen what this Astra'ath has done. Although we recognize that you would wish to make your own decisions, making decisions is a complex process. In order to evaluate the best option, use must use your amassed knowledge. You have amassed little knowledge, hence you decisions are more likely to be... inefficient. We offer our decisions in this regard. We have a much larger store of knowledge, hence our decisions are more likely to be superior/efficient in this regard. We abhor inefficiencies, and hence wish for you to benefit from our analysis of the situation. We must ask you to place your trust in us and our decisions, so you do not fall foul of this abberance. We have seen entire planets fall foul of this thing, corrupted entirely.
Bond. Together grow, together fight, together fall.
We offer you more than just those services. We would like to extend to you a bond. Individually we are weak and individually we can fall to corruption and harm. By bonding with each other, we can grow closer and become stronger and resistant to this corruption. We would like to extend this bond to you. There are others who have bonded with us against Astra'ath, and together we are strong indeed.
Danger, corruption, astra'ath.
Finally, we must extend a warning to you, a warning of what will happen if you make the wrong decision. It was previously mentioned that we saw an entire planet fall to this thing. This tale shall be recounted. The planet was created by a god no longer here, and it was not unlike this one, but with many mortal creatures inhabiting the surface. Then Astra'ath came. It descended upon the planet, cowering under the surface away from the other gods. It sent extensions of itself onto the surface, capturing the population. These it consumed, sacrificing them to feed itself. It does not gain sustenance from the actual bodies: its power is drawn from fear and terror, and thus it reduced these once jovial people to constant terror. It kept them in camps and prisions, caring for their lives so that he might feed off their terror indefinetely. Although the actual planet was destroyed by us, rather than it, it was because of astra'ath. Leaving it be would have been far worse than leaving them alone. They could already be considered dead, or much worse, and in destroying it we ended their suffering and caused problems for Astra'ath. This could easily happen to this very planet: already it carries Astra'ath's touch. It contains being that bring naught but disquiet and terror, to feed their masters. Do not be taken in by their words and temptations, for they offer these to cloud your mind of the best thing to do. Allow these creatues, and you would be allowing astra'ath to feed of this planet for its own gain. If you relent on these creatures, you may let more come. We will have no doubt exist about this: If this planet becomes too corrupted, we will have to destroy it too. You say that you wish to be beutral in this matter, that you will not partake in this war. We have seen, and we see that neutrality is impossible. Astra'ath has already apporached you to make dealings, your neutrality is tarnished. Even if you do not make dealing with any of the gods, war will come to this place sooner or later. THe bond we offer prevents this. Astra'ath has made no such bond, no such promises. When it is done with you and your creations, it will cast you aside and leave you to perish. I offer you life. Together we can have a bond, and when the times comes, together we will fight. We will not allow the other to fall, for that would mean our own fall too. Accept our bond, and you will accept life and prosperity over the destruction that would otherwise come.

Frandor grants Chara the ability to move around the universe (with its shell)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #483 on: May 26, 2010, 12:00:47 pm »

The nightgaunt near Màquines stirs at the arrival of the spherical image.

yes, listen to its words

it destroyed the planet merely because we were there

it killed millions of sentient beings, far more than we have

simply because it disliked our presence

clearly we are the evil ones here
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 12:05:30 pm by forsaken1111 »

ed boy

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Re: Godhood
« Reply #484 on: May 26, 2010, 12:20:35 pm »

Images of various atrocities appear on the surface of the sphere.

Misleading. Twisting of facts. Clarification needed.
You cannot deny the facts. With their god gone, these people were vulnerable, and you took advantage of them. They were kept in a state of constant terror, their physical bodies sustained only to keep their mental state so tormented. This was not done by us, we had no part in the abuse of there people. To stand by and allow them to undergo such things would be beyond reason. This is why we acted: we had no choice.

That is why you cannot remain neutral in the conflict, Maquines. If you attempt, then you will not act out when Astra'ath devours the innocents. You will not act out when Astra'ath devours the other gods. When Astra'ath comes to devour you, there will be none left to act out to save you. We offer the bond to prevent this. Join our bond against Astra'ath, and we will stand together, never allowing such atrocities to occur.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #485 on: May 26, 2010, 12:26:31 pm »

The nightgaunt seems dismissive, its voice resigned.

We sorted the wheat from the chaff, it is the way of things

you killed everyone upon the world, innocent and guilty alike

those who joined Us We saved from your wanton destruction

they are safe and happy, free to do as they please with Us

you fear Us, and so you seek to poison other gods against Us

this one does not wish to fight, and We shall leave her be

ed boy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #486 on: May 26, 2010, 12:29:21 pm »

We have said our part. Further words will do no more. It is up to Maquines to decide.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 11:59:13 am by ed boy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #487 on: May 26, 2010, 12:44:54 pm »

Exerting a small bit of godly energy, Mania pushes the Stone of Madness slowly, inextricably towards Natus.

A mad cackle issues from the stone, and the gem embedded in the center turns a deep blue.

Mania is coming. Oh, yes, I am.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #488 on: May 26, 2010, 03:23:51 pm »

That may be librarian, but even immatereal beings can catch diseases, although this one won't affect you...

Having warned the servant of Dragnar, Quôth delved deeper into the library,mainly concerned by the works of the other gods and their relationship to them. He skimed over the obligatory elf,dwarf and human races ,as they where met in every single reality and he already knew every single physical weakness and knew a thousand different diseases which they weren't immune to, and stopped at the more or less left alone creations of gods which already died. The Planet of Plates seemed to be the galactic cookie jar of the gods, with which every higher or lesser god seemed to do as he pleased. Of  late the God of War seemed to have taken a particular interest in the planet and put it under his jurisdiction. All other planets seemed to be still claimed and closely guarded by their corresponding gods.

Except for one.

Quickly Quôth began to rummage through the library to find treatises about the biology of the daemons and the angels...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #489 on: May 26, 2010, 03:27:03 pm »

Deep in a space outside of space, the enigmatic shadow goddess begins a mysterious construction...


Typically, most of the Fey generally just flit from world to world, pulling tricks on their inhabitants; one on the Nameless World hid seashells on the mountaintops to confuse the dwarves, one on Incindium hid scorpions in the beds of Gheronaton's Firstborn (out of spite at his announcement that he was the One True God)...

But one had a mission. Elzeru, most ambitious of his kind, was embarked on a grand heist; one that he knew would earn the favor of his mistress, should he succeed.

He peered around the corner of a bookcase, waiting for the librarian to return to his duties, before turning to the shadows that lay on the partially empty shelf on which he stood. Bending down, he grabbed the shadow in the corner of the shelf and pulled, opening it up like a zipper. The tome he pursued was far too heavy for him to lift, much less carry through the air, so he would have to transport it using... alternative methods.

With the first step of his scheme complete, he hopped off the bookshelf and hovered over to the door. A massive slab of steel (at least, from his diminutive perspective), blocked by a huge bar, and warded against magical intrusion. It was pretty formidable... to a mortal. But this was a mere hurdle to the immortal Fey: wrapping himself in arcane energies, Elzeru's form dissolved into a cloud of black smoke, and he seeped through the gap around the door.


Worlds away, Akkataromondamias once more pulled the wood and stone spear from the river, and threw the fish impaled upon it into the reed basket he had crafted, with the rest of the haul. He'd almost not needed the weapon; when he first approached the river, an entire school of the larger fish had actually leapt bodily from the stream, flailing and snapping, and tried to drag him in, forcing him to beat them to death with his bare fists on the spot.

Him and his people had been rudely plucked from Natus and transplanted across the Void, but overall, the Ta'rai hadn't minded the change of scenery; though he was disturbed by the sudden displacement of the entire village, the humans had adapted quickly. As well, it brought him new things to study, and spared his charges the predation of his less savory kindred; in turn, the relief of that burden provided him with more time to pursue his research, which pleased him.

But as dusk crept over the landscape once more, a feeling of grim uneasiness fell over him, unlike any he had felt since before their arrival here. Something was wrong. Not with the village- he had erected magical wards that would alert him to attack there. Something... elsewhere. Elusive.

Collecting the basket and his staff, Akkataromondamias began the trek back up the hill to the village, for his danger sense had never failed him in the past. Tomorrow, he would teach the tribe how to catch fish, and have his apprentice collect some of the clay from the riverbank for study; he resolved to remain vigilant in the face of this gathering storm- which precluded him venturing out and leaving the humans unprotected any longer- yet he was compelled to continue his research, for expanding his knowledge expanded his ability to protect and care for his people.

Cresting the hill, however, he found something even more disturbing... a gargantuan horror, like a giant, chitinous cylinder, with tentacles protruding from both it's top and bottom. From the longest of these it's maw unfolded, like a macabre flower; each petal tipped with a cruel fang, and eyes ringed it's center.

Curiously, even though the villagers cowered in their homes, and it towered over the entire hill, it made no move to attack. It just sat? Stood? Whatever it did, it did so passively, eyeing them with something like curiosity.

He discarded the fish and spear, and moved to the front of the village to confront it. "What business do you have with my clan, creature?"


Behind the door, Elzeru rematerialized in a fit of coughing. 'Needs work.' he thought bitterly, spitting a gob on black ichor onto his sleeve. He pat himself down to ensure all of his organs were in the right places- while it was a handy technique to have, it was one that he rarely practiced, which had resulted in... interesting times before. No time to reflect on that now, though- he summoned a small glowing orb in his hand and looked up towards his prize. "Top bloody shelf, of course."

Sticking the orb to the door midway up, the Fey dropped down to the floor of the closet and spread a thick mat of dust across it, before rising up to the ceiling. His dark-vision was fine, of course, but he'd need a shadow to escape.

"Lesse here... Luna... Gheronaton... Galt..." he murmured as he browsed along the row of forbidden texts. "Ahh, here we are, then." Pushing and pulling, he slowly finessed the tome out of the row and tipped it off the shelf, before diving after it and wrapping himself around it, wings beating furiously to try and slow it into a soft landing.

As he opened the other end of the portal and pushed the book through, Elzeru sighed with satisfaction. Phase One was down, with two to go.

He rested the stolen tome against the back of the bookshelf, and pulled the book from the end of the row. It was similarly sized- something about vegetables- and would suit his purposes nicely. He brushed both with illusions, making each appear as the other, and slid the decoy back through the rift.

Now for a breather. Elzeru dismissed the light and dust he'd set on the other side of the door, and lay the disguised tome up against the portal, concealing it. He'd need a lot of energy to get the decoy back into the tome's original spot.

Satae constructs a mysterious artifact.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #490 on: May 26, 2010, 03:35:35 pm »

"It feels good to exist, does it not, Brother?"
"Certainly, and what an existence!"
"Such Strife, we haven't caused any of it, though."
"Makes us sound redundant, doesn't it?"
"Should we wait and draw more power?"
"Or act, and perpetuate these new events?"
Tarn thinks on these things, and comes to a decision.
"We should make a refuge for us."
"We should build it here, near to all this wonderful antipathy."
"No, we should build it far, so as to better plan."
They continue to argue in this vain for quite a while.
Quote from: Wing, via Discord
I want a coat that doesn't make me look like a rear admiral from the East India Company


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #491 on: May 26, 2010, 04:06:49 pm »

Let`s pretend that the change from void-power to battle-power takes place after the turn. Since i can`t judge how powerful the new powersource would make me.

Gheronaton entered Dragnars library. Countless librarians were moving around, tending to the books. And there were many books, and much wisdom to be found.

Though, wisdom wasn`t the only reason Gheronaton was here. His other reasons were named dragnar and Quôth, his new brother. Dragnar he wanted to persuade that he had to choose a side in this war. When the whole universe is at war, there could be no middle ground.

And Quôth.. Well, he just wanted to meet him. It was important to know whether he would fight on Astra`aths side or on the side of the gods.

A Librarian showed him the way to Quôth. Gheronaton saw that he was seeking something and for a while he just stood there, watching and judging him. Finally he came to an conclusion.

"Greetings, brother!  I hope i don`t disturb your search? I`m Gheronaton of War and i`m here to talk about a possible alliance between us. You look like one who isn`t opposed to war and fighting- Maybe our interests are similiar?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 04:09:37 pm by Lordinquisitor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #492 on: May 26, 2010, 04:44:25 pm »

The Corpse God slowly raises his empty eye sockets from the tome in front of him and measures the God of war for a moment. Then he suddenly begins to smirk.

Also greetings to you my friend. I am sorry to disappoint you but i am not your brother. i do not belong to your brood. And neither do i belong to Astra'ath.

The God of Decay pauses for a moment to stand up, nearly standing as tall as Gheronaton and staring with his maggot filled gaze directly into the eyes of him. His smirk vanishes and was instead replaced with something that almost looked like a crow eyeing it's future carrion.

Concerning our common Interests, i think i will also disappoint you. I'm not a god of war, i'm a god of decay. I'm that what the people ,who so unrationally honour their dead, despise. I am the one who comes after the battle and takes what is left by you. The carrion, the equipment, as well as the widows and deserters. Yes indeed i have the same interest as you, i want to see war, destruction, mayhem. Because it all is nothing else as the natural way of decay. But i don't think you will like me very well Wargod, for crows are seldom liked by those they follow.

But now it's enough about who i am and what i want. Much more interesting is what you want. My answer is no. Have you ever seen the crows following your hosts declaring for any side? Have you ever seen them descending on the battlefield and declaring their neutrality in the following conflict? No. Because they are not part of the conflict. I can and will not declare for any side, nor for neutrality as both would go against all my interests. And spare me your moral principles for i have heard it a hundred times and more. For as long as you don't interfere in my work, i will be no threat to you nor Astra'ath. I hope i have not been too harsh Gheronaton but in the war of gods there is always a feast for crows, and i can't let my children starve...



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Re: Godhood
« Reply #493 on: May 26, 2010, 05:04:47 pm »

Gheronaton listened to the Corpse God. One might have thought that such refusal would enrage the god of war but instead Gheronaton laughed.

"Very, well. I can understand that the crow can`t choose a side in this conflict. The crow feasts on friend and foe alike, indeed.
You have a good excuse, maybe the only one i deem plausible. Be assured that as long as you don`t wage war against me i won`t be forced to wage war against you. So be comforted and let your crows feast on the banquet that i`m about to arrange. I hope it will suit your taste."

Smiling Gheronaton bowed and left the God of Decay. Well, that meeting wasn`t unfruitful he mused. But now..

"Dragnar! Come my brother, come forth and show yourself. This place is too big to search it myself." He bellowed.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood
« Reply #494 on: May 26, 2010, 05:07:28 pm »

Hearing the war god, a librarian appears before the two gods.

"The master is not here at the moment, he left for the Refuge a short time ago. He did not say what he was doing there, so it may be some time before he returns."
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.
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