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Author Topic: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3  (Read 26000 times)

Spartan 117

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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2010, 11:08:26 pm »

Hm. I made my build on several assumptions, one was that skills from the various schools stacked, and that block was universal. I still think my build is good though, but Karate may be excluded.
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2010, 11:40:53 pm »

The advantages of excluding Karate and fencing are twofold:
1) We get to laugh at the character even more as just being a fat dwarf in a skinny tutu*, as opposed to a cross-training quadathalon.
2) Even though everyone will be laughing at our character, the ability to destroy two more schools should make him strong!

*Fat come from Sumo, Dwarf come from name, skinny tutu comes from dancing, in case it was not obvious.

Spartan 117

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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2010, 12:01:47 am »

We must have fencing so we can be...

Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2010, 12:21:24 am »

excluding fencing

We must have fencing

We probably want either fencing or kungfu if we're going to be use weapons. It's possible to weild weapons without a relevant skill, but if we want to actually hit anything...skill helps.


Tutus actually do exist in the game as a wearable, yeah.

Spartan 117

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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2010, 01:02:14 am »


It's my build, I get extra say.
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2010, 01:31:19 am »

We must have fencing so we can be...



It's my build, I get extra say.

Ok, I agree to fencing only on the condition that we all know "fencing" really means "craxy axe wielding skillz".


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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2010, 02:51:07 am »

I'll add my vote for a giant axe wielding guy who's trained in Sumo, Ballet, and Fencing. Something about a sumo with a giant axe who fences while wearing a leotard is hilarious. I'm not sure why.
Youtube video of the year, all years.
Hmm...I've never been a big fan of CCGs - I mean, I did and still do collect Pokemon cards, but I never got heavily into the battling and trading thing.

By definition that makes you a fan since you still buy them.

Spartan 117

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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2010, 03:28:38 am »

I'll add my vote for a giant axe wielding guy who's trained in Sumo, Ballet, and Fencing. Something about a sumo with a giant axe who fences while wearing a leotard is hilarious. I'm not sure why.

A MK 6 Adamantine-layered powered leotard combat system. That is pink.

It also has an awesome sound system that plays death metal.
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2010, 08:38:00 am »

Part 01 - Introduction

Sumo-dancer-technomancer it is. Introducing, Urist Ironbeard:

How do you do.

Pleasure to meet you, sir. Would you tell us a little about yourself?

I'm an engineer by trade, from Helmsline under the Gatal plains. Nice place. I miss the clammy air. Way too ventilated aboveground for my tastes. Bad for the lungs.

Oh? Then may I ask what brings you to this part of the world?

A crummy map, that's what. Whatever miscreant drew this rotten thing must of been awfully sober.

I see. Will you be staying long?

Armok, I hope not. I just came to straighten out the fools at Kidneyspliced. Yet another newish outpost that lost its leader to some sort of "accident." Durned if I don't keep my own eyes open. At least, if I ever find the outpost.

I'm sorry, but I think you're quite far gone from any dwarven outposts

Yeah, I was startin' to guess that. Well, I see some sort of civilization up ahead. Stone buildings, roads...not dorf for sure, but they sure ain't elves neither. I'll stop and ask for directions. Maybe get a keg or two while I'm there. I haven't had a drink in so long, I can't even remember. Must of been five minutes, at least.

Well, I certainly wish you luck.

Thanks. You seem like a decent sort. For a human.

Never before have I been showered in such lavish praise. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon.


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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2010, 09:00:14 am »

Part 02 - Dorf in a strange land

In this episode we introduce:

The World Tournament Ticket Girl
HI!!!!! Don't hate me because I'm cheerful.

Marcos, of Aru Village
All our womenfolk have been kidnapped! Oh noes!

Oolong...the terrible
Grooowwrr!!!! I'm a scary monster and I bite and I'm lonely and I just really want to be loved please. Will you love me? Please? Just a little bit?

From the journal of Urist Ironbeard

4 Obsidian

It's been two weeks since I left the mountainhome. I was sent to take over administration for Kidneyspliced, the latest but certainly not the last outpost to have its outpost leader mysteriously drown in magma. In his bedroom.

I'm not sure about these directions I was given to the new outpost. The cartographer clearly hadn't been getting enough booze if he expected anyone to understand them. Still though...I can't be too far from civilization. I've been seeing a lot of roads lately. They're built out of some sort of grainy black material I don't recognize. Interesting workmanship in them. Plain, straight and simple, but I don't see any creases between the blocks. It almost looks like they were poured instead of layed, but it's way too soft to have been magma. Well, new lands, new materials.

7 Obsidian

I've arrived in the middle of a bustling surface city full of humans. Well, I think they're humans. Tall and gangly, but they speak strangely and wear clothing unlike any human I've seen. From the map I have the outpost should be very close. Maybe I should ask for directions. There's a rather large building ahead. I'll ask there.

Hello. I was wondering if you could...

HELLO! Welcome to the World Tournament! Are you here to watch or participate?

"World Tournament?"

Yes! Every four years the greatest fighters from all over the world gather here to test their skills against one another! This will be the 22nd annual tournament! It's amazing to see the variety of combat styles!

Do you always hold annual tournaments every four years?

...what do you mean?

Nevermind. I'm just looking for directions. Can you tell me where Kidneyspliced is? The dwarven settlement?

Dwarves? Umm...the only dwarf I know is a Shaolin monk by the name of Krillan. His temple is in the mountains north of here.

"Temple?" I don't know what a "Shaolin" is, but if they've gone crazy and forsaken Armok...there'll be Armok to pay. Mountains that must be where they are. Thanks.

Wait! Before you go, here's a brochure for the Tournament. It only happens every four years, so be sure to come back and watch!

...yeah. I'll be sure to do that.

For a human she was unusually helpful, but the news was bad, and I needed a drink. Pocketing the brochure, I set out looking for a tavern to quench my thirst. I passed a few buildings, but no taverns. After wandering in circles for hours I finally gave up on finding any booze in the tournament area, and wandered to Aru Village to the west, where I was immediately set upon by a rather clingy looking human.

Oh! You must be an adventurer!

No. I'm thirsty. Where's the nearest tavern?

Oh, we have no taverns here. All the local village girls have been kidnapped by a horrible monsters!

What does that have to do with taverns?

Who would serve the beer?

"Serve" beer? What is this "serve" you speak of? You pick up the keg in one hand and upend it. Don't you humans know anything?

But now that you are here to save us, we will have our village girls again! Yay!

Wait, what?

To the north there lies a castle. Castle Oolong! And therein lies the foul, wretched beast..Oolong the terrible, who has stolen our womenfolk, for what horrible purposes I can only image.

He probably just had a mandate to fill. Can't I just serve myself? I don't even need it in a glass. Just give me a barrel or five.

No, you must save our villagefolk!

*sigh* Ok. I'll go talk to this Oolong character if you'll give me beer.


The Castle wasn't difficult to find. But things were not quite as Marcos explained. I found the village girls. There were parading around the castle like princesses, dressed up in fancy silk gowns and making up things for the servants to do. One of them even tried to tell me to remove a pea from under her matress. When I explained I was there to "rescue" her, she laughed and told me that all the women came to live a life of luxury instead of the life of a poor villager. Personally, I was more interested in them living the life of someone giving me a nice thick, chunky ale, so I figured I'd have to go see Oolong. I found him before long...crying in a corner.

...oohhhh....oh, woe is me! Life is so cruel!

Are you Oolong?

Yes!!! <pout> I am Oolong! <sniff> Oolong the terr...terribly unhappy. What a horrible joke life has played on me! It's so horribly unfair!

What's the problem? You're obviously rich. You have your own fortress. Admittedly, it's above ground, but it's still a fortress. And you've got a couple dozen young girls in the next room dressed in GCS silk gowns and jewelry. Oh...wait, you smell sober. Yeah, I guess you do have it pretty rough.

No, it's the village girls! They're the problem! Once they found out I was rich, they came in droves, eating my food, badgering my servants! I just want them to leave!

You didn't kidnap them?

WHAT?!! NO! of them. Maybe. Just one. It was a misunderstanding. Simple mistake, anyone could make. I tried to put her back but once the others found out it was too late!

Why don't you just kick them out, give me a beer and call it day? mean, make them leave?
And give me a beer. Yes.

What a wonderful idea! I'm the man around here! I'll just have my servants shoo them out! Oh, thank you so much for your help!

No problem. about that beer?

Oh, I don't have any alcohol. I only drink tea. Hence the name.

Ahh. "Oolong." Right. Got it.

Say...if you happen to run into any nice girls, you know...the kind, sweet, loving type. Would you send them my way?

Sure. I'll get right on that. And in my experience the best place to find kind, sweet, loving girls is in the bottom of a booze barrel. Now if you'll excuse me...

The women returned to their village and their menial jobs, but they were so resentful about me getting them kicked out that I couldn't get the time of day in their village, let alone a drink. Instead, Marcos gave me some old +knife+ as a reward. Not bad for human craftsmanship, but I didn't see I'd get much use from it. I was here to recover an outpost, not fight anything.


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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2010, 09:07:08 am »

Ok, voting time!

We have our character, we've got a weapons....where do we go next?

The Shaolin Temple Looking for fellow dorfs. Since the Ticket Girl claims this "Krillan" character is one.
The Rabbit Hole. A basic beginner dungeon to pick up some experience and minor stuff.
The local sewers, which happen to be being used as a nuclear waste dump for a local chemical manufacturer.
Just wander around and kill random monsters to get some levels and talk to people and do some training.

Incidentally, here are our current stats:

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 14
Charisma: 10
Speed: 14

Hitpoints: 14
Armor: -2
MoveSpeed: +6

 * knife (1 to 6)(+0, +5)
 * Streetclothes(-1[5]
 * Tennis shoes [1]

Left hand attack:
-7 to hit
1d6+1 damage

Right hand attack:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2010, 09:16:59 am »

Thats dangerously smart for a dorf...

Look for fellow dorfs.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...  This is the truth! This is my belief! ... At least for now...
FMA/FMA:B Recommendation

Earthquake Damage

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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2010, 09:35:26 am »

Surely a dwarf would be most comfortable beneath a mountain amongst other dwarves, yes?  To the temple!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lets Play Dragonball T, a module for ToME3
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2010, 09:35:53 am »

Caution: This user may or may not be a horrible evil Elder God from the deepest regions of space. He also may or may not be a lawyer.
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