I think I'm going to put this on hold for a bit. Not that I'm tired of drawing elves or anything, but rather, the drawings take too damn long to color, and they tend to look like rubbish without it, sooo! I'm trying out a few new drawing programs, and well, rather than change the art style of this story partway through, I'm just going to put it on the shelf until I get used to the new programs.
While I was putting these new programs to practice, I was thinking I might start up another paint adventure, one that follows the standard paint adventure format a little more closely than the Elves of Amanereli (This feels much more of a suggestion based illustrated story than a paint adventure, considering the time between posts). So, the art for this other paint adventure would be much more simplified, which sets up quicker posts, which in turn leads to a more interactive feel in terms of input from the players!
Alright alright, so just to clarify, Elves of Amanereli is not dead, just going on hold 'til I get the hang of some more efficient painting programs.
Also, I've been getting into Warhammer 40k again, so I'm in the mood to try and draw something in a "Grim dark" setting, one that lacks the bright spectrum of full color cell-shading! Har har har!
So, if I start a 40k paint adventure, would anyone be interested, or would you rather I stick to murdering Elves of Amanereli?