I didn't expect to get about the same amount written on a day I was working, but I hit 2,200 words, and I'm about half done the chapter. I say about half because I am done two of the four scenes in this chapter. I'm not entirely sure how long the next two scenes will be. One of them will be from a viewpoint I've never written from at the very least, and that may slow things down a bit.
For reference, my expanded second draft of chapter 1 of my last rewrite (I am on the third complete rewrite of this story, I'm pretty sure this is THE ONE) is about 3,500 words, and that is with all of the meat on its bones. This draft has a lot of meat already, but I see places where it can be expanded already (It's a first draft, I'm not taking time to expand it yet), so I have a very good feeling about these larger chapters.
You're going to see where I left notes to myself because I will be too lazy to take them out. I hope they won't break anyone's immersion too badly, but it will give you a good idea of where I may take future changes. I'm aiming to get this sucker published as I think I've got it this time. Problem I'm going to face: It's a major disadvantage in trying to get published if the story exists in any form on the internet, so ... yeah. You guys will definitely get the first chapter since I kind of owe everyone for reading my ramblings, but after that I will likely have to restrict access to it in some form or another. I don't know. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I don't even have a first chapter finished yet, so it's premature to talk about this kind of thing.
Welp, when did this become my writing journal.