Save compatibility comes up in almost every discussion on development. i am interested in seeing what the community thinks. feel free to list pros and cons, and anything else you think is pertinent to the argument. i will update this post with anything i find interesting.
i personally feel that save compatibility is unimportant, but i also gen a new world every release anyway (if not more), and i do not get too attached to my old forts. if i do have an old fort i want to work on i usually keep all the files associated with it around (in other words i manage forts by having different df "installs," typically one per version)
some possible discussion points:
1. does save compatibility foster expectations in the community? is that a good thing or a bad thing?
2. is broader save compatibility likely to help new players by allowing them to easily play with established forts that they download without having to understand versions? do you think that is a significant avenue for new players entering the community?
3. with consideration to the problems caused by editing raws, is save compatibility important for community forts?
4. do you think the mentality about save compatibility will change as df nears completion and world history and interaction is more fleshed out? if world history continued after playing a world would save compatibility be more important?
pros for save compat:forts live longer
easier to share saves
easier to gen identical worlds with seeds and play them in new versions*
cons against save compat:hinders development
may introduce bugs and can confuse bug reporting
*It should be noted that since world and history seeds do not work perfectly between versions as is, that save compatibility is an irrelevant point in regard to world generation. the only thing save compat does is allow you to gen a world in an older version (to get an identical world) and play it in a new version.
I have an open letter to Toady discussing what we have talked about here.
please head over and read it, and add a signature to it as well.