Save compatibility is .... pointless.
I know Creator likes it that world has history, character and whatnot and player is heavily involved in that and that he would ideally not want to play in brand new world. Certainly something cool to aim for.
But realities are quite unfriendly:
* Some bug fixes simply require fortress abdandonment world regen to take effect - iirc, melting rain and fish are such bugs. Even with best intentions, bugs need to be fixed and those fixes will often require players to abandon or regen even if saves themselves are compatible (because those fish will only appear in new world...). "bug syndrome".
* New features. Player now has to regen world if he wants caverns. No amount of save compatibility will help when player has to start anew to make use of new features. This is basically "reaction dillema": If you mod in new reaction to create X you desperatelly need in current fortress, that reaction only becomes available after you regen world.
* Even if new reatures do not require new world, they may still require different fortress design. This is "wagon problem": if new version added ability to create multi-tile 3x3 wagons in save-compatible version player using 1-tile wide doors and coridors would have to widen halls and doorways, and possibly to install ramps along stairs. Or just leavig it alone and ignore this hauling help. Best choice could very well be to abandon fortress and restart with new design.
* Similary, If would not want to bring my pre-2010 marksdwarf defended 200 pop fortress to 2010 game because it would be slaughtered by first siege or maybe even ambush. This is "nerf issue". Simply put, when sieges are improved, chances are that any fort that depended on usuall moat-wall-traps will not survive transition and that it would be wholy pointless (thou FUN!) to take it over.
As such, effort spent on save compatiblity is imho, not well spent because player actions might as well render it pointless.
For players that want to keep playing thier fort/world, there is always option of keeping their current version and using that. And that option is fine by me.