Journal of Led Kubukbakust
Morning of Granite 1, 1051:
We've arrived at our destination. I don't know why it's our destination, but it is. We left the mountainhomes of The Equal Roof months ago, only to end up at what I assume to be some elf infested forest. And... I don't want to tell anyone, for fear of causing a panic... but, I think I saw elephants... why anyone would choose to settle here, I don't know, but here we are...
Afternoon of Granite 1, 1051:
Shortly after arriving, the Overseer and the Architect began discussing something. Probably how the fortress should be laid out. I'm not sure what they're planning here, but it certainly doesn't look like much on the surface. This damned place is flat in all directions, unless you count the trees. And it's all sand. Well, on the surface anyway. But according to the prospector's report, there's sand, clay, and then Dolomite. With flux here, we might be able to set up a decent metalworking industry. Not me of course, no skill for the forge. Speaking of skills, we're an odd lot. Of the seven of us, five are miners, and are referred to as "Caretakers". Three of the Caretakers are engravers, while the other two (myself included) are skilled at the purging the land of these blasted trees. Then there's the Overseer, a useless noble-in-training to be sure. Not a skill to speak of, unless you consider speaking a skill. Then again, he did convince us to come out there, and I have no idea how he managed it. But we're here now, and so we better make the most of it. Last is the "Grand" Architect. From what I can tell, he has an eye for structure, and a mechanical aptitude. He also seems to be prepared to build "what needs building". Something about the way he said it seems funny, and I don't know if he actually knows how to make anything, but as long as anything he cobbles together stays standing, I won't much complain about how it looks.
Evening of Granite 1, 1051:
The Overseer called the Caretakers together and gave us our instructions. Ambitious instructions. He has marked off a perimeter that we will be claiming; first, we must clear it of trees and any edible plants we can find. Erith and I can handle taking out the trees, so the orders didn't bother us. But the other Caretakers began protesting that they had never been "Elf-loving berry pickers". A few words from the Overseer sent them happily on their way to pick strawberries, fisher berries, and whatever else they could find. I don't know how he does it, but I fear the Overseer can make anything sound reasonable. After we finish clearing the vegetation, we're to begin digging. Ambitious digging. It will takes us at least a week to complete. I'll sketch it out when we're done. Tomorrow we Strike the Earth.
Embark screen:
Overview of the site (big):